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"If you fall on Sainte-Pelagie, you must contrive to rebound on the Bois de Boulogne," said Florine, laughing with Blondet over the little Vicomte de Portenduere. Some clever women never run the risk of this contrast.

"No, this is my first night in Paris." "I thought as much. This lady," the tall man continued in a sarcastic tone, "permit me to present you to Mademoiselle Florine, waitress and decoy pigeon for Betrand's wine rooms, where gentlemen sometimes play at dice." He laughed again, and even the girl could muster up a smile now that the danger had blown over. "That is true, Mademoiselle?" I asked.

At the sight of Mother Bunch, whom she recognized for she had told her, the day before, of Agricola's arrest and Mdlle. de Cardoville's madness Florine recoiled a step, so much was she moved with pity at the appearance of the young sempstress.

Creditors seized Coralie's horses, carriage, and furniture at last, for an amount of four thousand francs. Lucien went to Lousteau and asked his friend to meet his bill for the thousand francs lent to pay gaming debts; but Lousteau showed him certain pieces of stamped paper, which proved that Florine was in much the same case.

"What do you mean?" said Adrienne, looking at Florine with surprise. "M. Rodin will soon be alone with the prince," said Florine. "No doubt," replied Adrienne. "The prince always sits in a little room that opens upon a greenhouse. It is there that he will receive M. Rodin." "What then?" resumed Adrienne.

So I reached across the table, filled the glasses for myself and Florine, raising mine high as if I would propose a toast. I tapped her banteringly on the cheek, for the benefit of him who watched, and said in a low tone, trying to maintain my nonchalant manner. "Listen to me a minute, and I beseech you smile, do not look so serious. You brought me here, and now I trust you to get me out alive.

I do not know where they took her, when she was attacked with this frenzy. You will expect me to-morrow?" "Yes to-morrow," said Mother Bunch. The convent whither Florine was to conduct the hunchback contained the daughters of Marshal Simon, and was next door to the lunatic asylum of Dr. Baleinier, in which Adrienne de Cardoville was confined. St.

She was amongst the first to contribute to those charitable donations, which were now flowing in from all sides in the admirable spirit of benevolence. Florine was suddenly attacked by the epidemic. In spite of the danger, her mistress insisted on seeing her, and endeavored to revive her failing courage.

Then there is Hector Merlin and his Mme. du Val-Noble; you meet great people at their house dukes and dandies and millionaires; didn't they ask you and Coralie to dine with them?" "Yes," replied Lucien; "you are going too, and so is Florine." Lucien and Etienne were now on familiar terms after Friday's debauch and the dinner at the Rocher de Cancale.

"His article is well written," said Claude Vignon. "Supper!" cried Matifat. The Duke gave his arm to Florine, Coralie went across to Lucien, and Tullia went in to supper between Emile Blondet and the German Minister.