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And sprang up instantly. They both looked at me and held a hurried consultation, then separated, and one going one way, one the other, came over toward where I sat. By this time my second throw was made, and I felt if Florine played me false the game was lost.

Mary's Convent; but, in consequence of the new direction given by Rodin to the Rennepont affair, it was decided that Florine, if possible, should return to the service of Mdlle. de Cardoville. This confidential place, enabling this unfortunate creature to render important and mysterious services to the people who held her fate in their hands, forced her to infamous treachery.

And mind that scene in the second act, make the irony tell, bring out that subtle touch; say, 'I do not love you, just as we agreed." "Why do you take parts in which you have to say such things?" asked Matifat. The druggist's remark was received with a general shout of laughter. "What does it matter to you," said Florine, "so long as I don't say such things to you, great stupid?

It is for that very reason that I should have been so happy if Agricola had taken this opportunity to call me for once by my own humble name Magdalen. Happily, he will never know these wishes and regrets!" Deeper and deeper touched by this page of simple grief, Florine turned over several leaves, and continued: "I have just been to the funeral of poor little Victorine Herbin, our neighbor.

While Georgette conducted the blacksmith to the hiding-place, Hebe brought her mistress a small gray beaver hat with a gray feather; for Adrienne had to cross the park to reach the house occupied by the Princess Saint-Dizier. A quarter of an hour after this scene, Florine entered mysteriously the apartment of Mrs. Grivois, the first woman of the princess. "Well?" demanded Mrs.

"Wait, Monsieur, not yet. If Monsieur would go and seat himself at that table, as if he desired to play, I will slip around and make ready the door for him. Monsieur was kind to me, and Florine is grateful. Even we women here respect a gentleman." I pitied the woman from the bottom of my heart.

He knew the jealous pride of the countess; he wanted to make her renounce her love of her own will, without causing her to blush before him, and then to return to her her own letters, sold by Florine, from whom he expected to be able to buy them. This judicious plan, rapidly conceived and partly executed, might fail through some trick of chance which meddles with all things here below.

Make my excuses to my mistress; I shall soon be back. Then Florine sent for a hackney-coach, and went out." "Florine is an excellent girl," said Mdlle. de Cardoville, with a smile, for further reflection had quite reassured her: "but, on this occasion, I think that her zeal and good heart have deceived her, as they have you, my poor friend.

"Yes," said Raoul, sighing, as he looked at Florine's sumptuous bedstead; "but I'd rather be a pedler all my life on the boulevard, and live on fried potatoes, than sell one item of this apartment." "Not one item," said Blondet; "sell all. Ambition is like death; it takes all or nothing." "No, a hundred times no! I would take anything from my new countess; but rob Florine of her shell? no."

He was a typical self-made man, Lucien thought a vulgar-looking face with a pair of exceedingly cunning gray eyes, hands made for hired applause, a complexion over which hard living had passed like rain over a roof, grizzled hair, and a somewhat husky voice. "You have come from Mlle. Florine, no doubt, sir, and this gentleman for Mlle. Coralie," said Braulard; "I know you very well by sight.