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"Oh, Florine and Matifat the druggist," said Lousteau, "and du Bruel, the author who gave Florine the part in which she is to make her first appearance, a little old fogy named Cardot, and his son-in-law Camusot, and Finot, and " "Does your druggist do things properly?" "He will not give us doctored wine," said Lucien. "You are very witty, monsieur," Blondet returned gravely.

As for Florine, Raoul's power in the press was like a protecting sceptre; he spared her many cares and anxieties; she clung to him less as a lover than a prop; she took care of him like a father, she deceived him like a husband; but she would readily have sacrificed all she had to him.

"I have played with O'Connell, Pitt, Fox, Canning, Lord Brougham, Lord " "Say at once no end of lords," said Bixiou. "Lord Fitzwilliam, Lord Ellenborough, Lord Hertford, Lord " Bixiou was looking at Peyrade's shoes, and stooped down. "What are you looking for?" asked Blondet. "For the spring one must touch to stop this machine," said Florine. "Do you play for twenty francs a point?"

"Thanks, my good sister!" said Agricola warmly; then he added, with a smile: "Bring your best judgment with you your full dress judgment." "Do not make a jest of it, brother," said Mother Bunch, in a mild, sad voice; "it is a serious matter, for it concerns the happiness of your whole life." At this moment, a modest knock was heard at the door. "Come in," said Mother Bunch. Florine appeared.

Florine, already much moved by the reading, started at this passage in which Mother Bunch alluded to her, ere she continued as follows: "Never shall I forget with what touching interest, what delicate benevolence, this handsome young girl received me, so poor, and so unfortunate. It does not astonish me, for she is attached to the person of Mdlle. de Cardoville.

As she spoke, she gathered up Adrienne's magnificent hair, and twisted it as well as she could behind her head. Alas! it was no longer the fair, light hand of Georgette, Florine, or Hebe that arranged the beauteous locks of their mistress with so much love and pride!

Managers complimented him, actresses flung him side glances; for every one of them knew that this was the critic who, by a single article, had gained an engagement at the Gymnase, with twelve thousand francs a year, for Coralie, and another for Florine at the Panorama-Dramatique with eight thousand francs. Lucien was a man of importance.

"Mother Bunch?" said Florine, with surprise. "Yes, mademoiselle," answered the sempstress, with a sad smile; "it is the name every one gives me.

"Upset our money-box, break one's balance-pole, smash our refuge, yes, that would be serious," said Blondet with a tragic air. "It seems to me from what I hear that you want to play politics instead of comedies," said Florine, suddenly appearing. "Yes, my dear, yes," said Raoul, affectionately taking her by the neck and kissing her forehead. "Don't make faces at that; you won't lose anything.

Peeping through an aperture he saw the lady walking impatiently up and down the room, tapping at the window, mending the fire, and expressing her haste in many other pettish manners so truly feminine. It was Florine. He knew the girl well from his frequenting Bertrand's during this piece of business.