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She substituted false curls in front for the simple hair dress of the Filipinos. Her dresses, which fitted her "divinely bad," disturbed the peace and tranquillity of the entire neighborhood. The husband never went out of the house afoot she did not want people to see that he was lame.

Commerce, a powerful factor, destroying the hermit character of the Islands, gained by the short experience of freer trade under England's rule, since the Filipinos obtained a taste for articles before unused, which led them to be discontented and insistent, till the Manila market finally came to be better supplied.

Such proceedings are not only unwise, but are most harmful to the Filipinos, who do not need independence at all, but who do need good laws, good public servants, and the industrial development that can only come if the investment, of American and foreign capital in the islands is favored in all legitimate ways.

On May 14 he forwarded statements of other Filipinos domiciled in Hongkong, not members of the junta, that they desired to submit their allegiance and the allegiance of their families in the Philippine Islands to the United States.

Domingo paused and contemplated her with the pity which Filipinos often display for our artistic inappreciativeness. "Madame," he replied in a pained voice, "you surprise me. Those gestures are not foolishness. They are talent. I thought they would please you."

I never, directly or indirectly, promised the Filipinos independence. I never received Aguinaldo with military honors, or recognized or saluted the so-called Filipino flag. I never considered him as an ally, although I did make use of him and the natives to assist me in my operations against the Spaniards."

Somewhat angrily, he turned to the boy: "Come! Give an account of yourself! How came you here?" "Prisoners," was the sullen answer. "Of the Filipinos?" Bansemer asked, in surprise. "Yes." "Then why did you try to kill me?" "I hate you both! We Spaniards, have we not as much to fear from you? What difference does colour make in brutes?"

Pratt's speech, refreshments were served, and as the Filipinos, being Christians, drink alcohol, there was no difficulty in arranging as to refreshments." The use of this clipping from the Singapore Free Press illustrates admirably Blount's methods. The Free Press had at first displayed a marked coldness toward the insurgent cause, but its editor, Mr. St.

It wasn't an easy matter to find quarters for so many men, and some of the Filipinos were obliged to camp in the public square overnight, while the wounded and ill were given beds in the various houses of the town. The inhabitants were required to furnish food, too, for the Americans were entirely out of almost everything. They still had some hardtack, but of meat and coffee there was none.

Any claim that Aguinaldo had been promised independence by Wildman, or, indeed, that the latter had been allowed to know that the Filipinos desired it, seems to me to be negatived, not only by Wildman's own statements, but by a letter from Agoncillo to Aguinaldo written on August 5, 1908, in which he says: