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What if she had been merely a tool for them; what if she had sent Farrell at their direction, to learn everything he and Harry knew? What ? Fairchild sought to put the thought from him and failed. Now that he looked at it in retrospect, everything seemed to have a sinister meaning. He had met the girl under circumstances which never had been explained.

"Yes," I managed to answer, feeling strength enough to lift myself, and vaguely noticing his features. "Is that you, Farrell?" "It certainly is," cheerfully. "Duval has his arm about you, and the Camden boys are herding those devils down below. You had some fracas from the way things look. How many men had you?" I rubbed my head, endeavoring to recollect, staring down into the hall.

We know the master's lecture in tones it sings up to sing down, and touches nobody. As soon as he dropped to natural talk, and spoke of his responsibility and Miss Vincent's, Matey gave the word of a man of honour that he would not seek to communicate farther with Miss Farrell at the school. Now there was a regular thunder-hash among the boys on the rare occasions when they met the girls.

'And I see you are going out for the day. He glanced at the lunch preparations. 'Do you know Loughrigg Tarn? He turned to Nelly. 'Oh, yes! Her face glowed. 'Isn't it beautiful? But I don't think George knows it. She looked up at him. He smiled and shook his head. 'I have a cottage there, said Farrell, addressing Sarratt. 'Wordsworth said it was like Nemi.

Nelly had in vain protested to Farrell against the 'spoiling' of which she was the object. 'Spoiled' she was, and it was clear both to Hester and Cicely, after a time, that though she had the will, she had not the strength to resist. Unless on one point. She had long since stopped all subsidies of money from Farrell through Bridget, having at last discovered the plain facts about them.

"But he was taken when he was four, and none came since. My wife has a niece," he added, "but " "But," interrupted Mrs. Farrell, "she was too high and mighty for plain folks, and now there is no one. We always took an interest in you because your name was Farrell. We were always reading of you in the papers. We have all your books, and a picture of you in the billiard-room.

I should like to see it!" cried Ruth with an outspoken honesty which apparently shocked her companion. "Be careful what you say, Miss Ruth! Farrell is just the sort of cross- grained old fellow to take all sorts of ideas into his head if he heard you. And, besides, you can surely guess for yourself what name you would find!" Ruth lifted her face to his in quick inquiry.

Hester Martin had relieved Marsworth of Bridget; Farrell had found a dry rock, and spread a shawl upon it for Nelly's benefit.

His watch, his keys, his small change and his sovereign purse, his silver cigarette-case all the articles, in fact, that he was accustomed to stuff into his pockets with one exception, were where he had left them. But the leather envelope containing the portrait of Sophia Farrell was missing from the breast-pocket of his coat.

At all events, she brooded over the thing, and when, five years or so ago, Mrs. Farrell died and the Colonel sent for Sophia to join him in India, Naraini well, she rebelled. He refused to let her leave England, and she finally took the bit in her teeth and ran away vanished and was never heard of again until Sophia recognised her in Kathiapur."