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"Tom, you villain," said Mr Bang, as we stepped into the boat, "if my eye had caught yours when these noblemen made their entree, I should have exploded with laughter, and most likely have had my throat cut for my pains. Pray, did his highness of Lemonade carry a punch ladle in his hand? I am sure I expected he of Marmalade to have carried a jelly can?

The man on guard would have opened the door, but when I went to enter, a major-domo who was standing by, muttering with two or three of his kind, hastened forward and stopped me. 'Your business, Monsieur, if you please? he said inquisitively; while I wondered why he and the others looked at me so strangely. 'I am M. de Berault, I answered sharply. 'I have the entree. He bowed politely enough.

Having occupied, without compunction, in inspecting this animal, half an hour of the time he considered too precious to be wasted on his wife, Colonel Colquhoun summoned Evadne's maid to show me upstairs, and cheerfully went his way. But that remark of his about the entree to his wife's apartments had made an impression.

He delayed our progress through dinner a good deal, because he would neither refuse nor help himself to the entrée which my butler held at his elbow. It was not until he had finished with the whole seventeen theories about the saint that he turned his attention to dinner again. I ventured to suggest that he had not even mentioned my own theory. "Oh," he said, "you have a theory too, have you?"

"Please do take another but perhaps you don't like mushrooms?" Aaron quite liked mushrooms, and helped himself to the entree. "But perhaps," said she, "you are too modern. You don't care for Bach or Beethoven or Chopin dear Chopin." "I find them all quite as modern as I am." "Is that so! Yes. For myself I am quite old-fashioned though I can appreciate Strauss and Stravinsky as well, some things.

You have been too honest in your opposition to their rotten privileges. Had you undermined the Joycuse Entree by degrees, it would have fallen of itself. But you have attempted to blow it up, and the result is that these Belgian children cry out that the temple of liberty is on fire, and your majesty is the incendiary.

"That is enough of the soup," commented Arletta mirthfully, "now try the roast; now the entree; and here, perhaps, a little dessert will not hurt you; there, that is plenty; a little is strengthening but too much is poisonous.

Clacy was responsible for this piece of news, and her profession giving her the entree to almost every back door in Farlingford enabled her to gather news at the fountain-head. For Mrs. Clacy went out to oblige. She obliged the rectory on Mondays, and Mrs. Clubbe, with what was technically described as the heavy wash, on Tuesdays. Whatever Mrs.

I think the real meaning of the change is to be found in the belief that formerly existed in the minds of officials that every one who sent in his card for the levee in the old days was eligible for the entree to Government House. The procedure in respect of State Drawing Rooms has also undergone a considerable modification in one particular.

He never had had much to say at the dinner table when they were alone, and, as time went on, his comments on the day were exhausted before the soup had given place to the entree, and Alexina fell into the habit of bringing her Italian text-book to the table the study of Italian just then being the rage in her set and whatever interesting book she had on hand. Mortimer made no protest.