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Therewith she arose to her feet, and he also, and he led her into the plashed alley, out of earshot of the other twain, who lay upon the grass biding their turn with but little patience.

"What an old tyrant that man must be in his home!" said Yates. There was no time for the professor to reply before they came within earshot. "The old woman's setting out supper," said the farmer gruffly, that piece of information being apparently as near as he could get toward inviting them to share his hospitality.

During the instant the gondolas were passing each other it was impossible either for Rose Tramore or for her companions not to become conscious that this distinguished identity had markedly inclined itself a circumstance commemorated the next moment, almost within earshot of the other boat, by the most spontaneous cry that had issued for many a day from the lips of Mrs. Tramore.

He handed him as he thus spoke the manilla which he had been smoking throughout our march, as if he were going to some picnic and probably feeling quite as jovial as if he had been; and, Adams at once setting light to the end of the rocket, it soared aloft like its compeer the moment before, with a whish and a rush that must have scared all the stray baboons within earshot of its flight.

And here I will say that I don't believe there was another Indian in that village who had any idea of the scheme that was being worked up between myself and those two Indians, for they would never say a word to me while within earshot of any of the tribe. The other Indians thought I was courting Nawasa, and it was always the custom among those Indians for a young couple never to ride out alone.

"Ah!" said King. "You have my leave to depart out of earshot." Then he turned on Rewa Gunga. "Whatever the truth of all this," he said quietly, "I suppose it means she has done what there was to do in Delhi?" "Sahib, trust her! Does a tigress hunt where no watercourses are, and where no game goes to drink? She follows the sambur!" "You are positive she has started for the North?"

"That's just it," he exclaimed. "Their talk leads nowhere. I went down and attempted to find out what their grievance might be, but they close up like clams whenever I come within earshot. They stare at the ceiling, rub their chins, and laugh when there's nothing to laugh at. This morning, however, I finally convinced McLean that something was radically wrong.

The racing men within earshot smiled, for the Tout had been a jockey before his license had been taken away for crooked work. "Hello! here it comes," cried Lauzanne's backer, as a fat, red-faced man came swiftly down from the Stewards' Stand, ran to the betting ring, and pushing his way through the crowd, called with the roar of a gorilla: "Al-l-l right! Lauzanne, first! The Dutchman, second!

After a few opening remarks, he dropped into the reminiscential. He talked of the old times in Texas. He told in thrilling terms of the Alamo and of Goliad. There was not a dry eye in earshot. Then he grew personal. "I see Tom Gilligan over yonder. A braver man never lived than Tom Gilligan. He fought by my side at San Jacinto. Together we buried poor Bill Holman.

"England or France, London or Paris, it's all one to me, so I've you to command me." "Stand out of earshot," rejoined his leader. "I'll call you when you're wanted." And Blueskin withdrew. "I cannot but approve the course you are about to take, Jack," said Thames, "though on some accounts I regret it. In after years you can return to your own country to your friends."