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His tone was calm. He might have been speaking of the cabin, asking if it kept out the wind. Imogene was dumbfounded by that voice and that inquiry. She had expected anything but either. "Not then; not so soon, I suspect," she said, at length. "When? At the end of a week, the end of a fortnight?" "I can't say," she replied with a sensation now of being harried.

Rachel's dumbfounded countenance her lips twitched with amusement and she felt a most reprehensible desire to laugh. Marilla said nothing to Matthew about the affair that evening; but when Anne proved still refractory the next morning an explanation had to be made to account for her absence from the breakfast table.

Her new husband sped from dumbfounded delight to amazed regret, for he found that with her money she bought only his name and a marriage document, as a final answer to the count when next he came whimpering of conventional marriage. In London Händel reigned as never musician reigned before or since. He is still reigning to the lasting detriment of English musical independence.

The late visitor at the Otter Creek settlement shrank away from the door and, dumbfounded by the sword-thrust which was evidently meant for his heart instead of his coat, waited to see what the next move of those in the blockhouse would be. He heard low voices and words which sounded like military commands. Suppose the occupants of the wooden fort should fire upon him?

You have committed a great crime! "My father was quite dumbfounded. "'Are you mad, too? he asked his friend." "Oh, what a worthy man is this Master Jacob!" muttered Cornelius, "an honest soul, an excellent heart that he is." "The truth is, that it is impossible to treat a man more rudely than he did my father; he was really quite in despair, repeating over and over again,

The moment for confession had undoubtedly arrived, and they both took a step forward. "We put them there," they said together. "You!" exclaimed simultaneously every voice in the room except Hilary's, and she was too utterly dumbfounded even to utter that monosyllable. "It was a joke," said Noel. "Tommy started it really. It was his idea, and he got us to hide the whole of the beastly things here.

There I saw moving slowly out into the sea that which filled my soul with wonder. It was a two-masted felucca with lateen sails! The craft was long and low. In it were more than fifty men, twenty or thirty of whom were at oars with which the craft was being propelled from the lee of the land. I was dumbfounded.

"That's right, scold me," said he, trying to laugh. "It's what I need. I'm showing the white feather, a hatful of them. But you're mistaken about one thing. It is my responsibility, every detail of it. Don't forget that. If the case goes wrong, it's my fault, not Dr. Leaver's." Then he walked away, leaving Miss Mathewson utterly dumbfounded. She understood perfectly that Dr.

I've a good mind to never let you look around to pay for not mistrusting that I was here! Oh, Noll!" "Well, I be beat!" said the skipper. "I never seed a lad so dumbfounded afore. What ye goin' to give me fur bringin' ye sech a parcel, Master Noll?" But Noll had only eyes and ears for his friend.

And then, right in the midst of my dreams, a small foot planted itself. I turned my head and saw a woman. On seeing the bright end of my cigar, she stopped. She stood so that the light of the moon fell full upon her face. My cigar trembled and fell. "Phyllis!" I cried, springing to my feet, almost dumbfounded, my heart nigh suffocating me in its desire to leap forth. "Phyllis! and here?