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Works, vii. 82. Mill quotes this passage in his essay on Bentham in the first volume of his Dissertations. This essay, excellent in itself must be specially noticed as an exposition by an authoritative disciple. Ibid. In Ibid. Another modification is suggested in Ibid. i. 14 n. Ibid. See especially Ibid. viii. 104, etc.; 253, etc.; 289, etc. Ibid. viii. 106.

Adams, talking of Newton, Bishop of Bristol, whom Johnson disliked, once said, "I believe his Dissertations on the Prophecies is his great work," Johnson's instant answer was, "Why, sir, it is Tom's great work; but how far it is great, or how much of it is Tom's, are other questions." How mercilessly perfect! A thousand years of preparation could not have put it more shortly or more effectively.

My mother began to lay down some of her old hackneyed rules of faith, but I turned from hearing her with disgust; for, after the energy of my new friend's reasoning, hers appeared so tame I could not endure it. And I confess with shame that my reverend preceptor's religious dissertations began, about this time, to lose their relish very much, and by degrees became exceedingly tiresome to my ear.

Before that period we can only find moral and religious dissertations on such topics as the proper use of material goods, the dangers of luxury, and undue desire for wealth.

It might, however, save time and labor if the delegates would receive our typewritten dissertations, read them quietly in their respective hotels, and endeavor to form a judgment on the data they supply.

Gladstone, and also to the article on "Greek History and Legend" in the second volume of Mr. Mill's "Dissertations and Discussions." A careful study of the arguments of these writers, and, above all, a thorough and independent examination of the Iliad itself, will, I believe, convince the student that this great poem is from beginning to end the consistent production of a single author.

The Monk of Montandon refers to him as a merchant in his sirventes upon other troubadours. He is placed in Paradise by Dante and is the only troubadour who there appears, no doubt because of his services to the Church. His poems are ingenious dissertations upon love and we catch little trace of real feeling in them.

If a man were to say so, either he would be lying, or his lack of feeling would be so great as to degrade him below an animal." "Yes," said the steward, "but what would we do if we were so cowardly?" Frederick now began to deliver one of those fiery dissertations that had won him a number of youthful auditors when he was a Privatdozent. "With you it is different," he said.

The three German students bade the passengers good-bye politely, and took their departure, beaming upon everyone through their spectacles, making quite a gap at the saloon table, though they were not much missed, for they had all been remarkably quiet, only talking to each other in a subdued manner, and always being busy with a book a piece, whose contents were tremendous dissertations on agricultural chemistry, all of which they were going to apply out in Queensland as soon as they got there.

The Tacitus was published in 1728, in two volumes folio: long dissertations are inserted in either volume; the literature in them excellent, the politics not so good: the volumes, as well as the several parts of them, are dedicated to some Royal and many Noble Patrons.