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Canute's horn sounded a recall, and one by one the hunters checked their onward rush and wheeled. Black Ymer's rider also tried to obey, but all the strength of her body was not enough to sway him by a hair's breadth. On he shot into the thicket. "He will have enough sense to stop when he finds out that he is alone," was her despairing thought.

Shepherds from the river must have seen our fire the day before and have come to look for us. We followed the trail up a high dune where the sand was closely packed and the marks were more distinct. "It is our own trail," said Kasim in a despairing voice. We had gone round in a circle, and now we could do no more for a while. Sad and worn out, we fell down in the track. It was May 5.

As they stepped out on the slippery ice, Louise made a last, despairing grab for the step rail. "You go on and skate, Johnny," she pleaded. "I'll just stay here for a while." Nothing loath, he sped off in and out among the swiftly moving, ever changing throng of people.

Despairing and hungry, on the third day, I commenced howling and screaming, hoping that some one would hear me, and come to my relief, for almost anything else would have been preferable to the privation and hunger from which I was suffering. But I could make no one hear, at least no one paid any attention to my screams, if they did hear.

But he could not stand up, and with a despairing cry he fell back on the bed. Pelle watched him until his heart burned within him. He took the master on his arm, and supported him carefully until they entered the tunnel. "You are strong; good Lord, you are strong!"

There remained to Dan of his brief and tragic passion but one letter, which Tom handed to him that morning, and which, with despairing heart, he read and re-read a hundred times. "Mon cher ami: "You would forgive that I do not know well how to express myself as I desire, if you could read my heart.

It was the long-lost Henry's I was my brother's murderer! "It is kindly meant of you, Mr. I know that I was only acting in self-defence that it was life against life that I was perfectly justified, in the eyes of men, in taking the life of him who would have taken mine but I cannot drive that last despairing look from my memory. I feel as if my brother's blood were crying out against my soul.

Colonel Le Noir then took her by the hand, led her out, and put her into the carriage. Just before entering Clara had turned to take a last look at her old home all, friends and servants, noticed the sorrowful, anxious, almost despairing look of her pale face, which seemed to ask: "Ah, shall I ever, ever return to you, dear old home, and dear, familiar friends?"

Papa himself will far more readily appropriate ten dollars to this additional confinement than five to the gymnasium or the riding-school. And so, beset with snares on every hand, the poor little well-educated thing can only pray the prayer recorded of a despairing child, brought up in the best society, that she might "die and go to heaven and play with the Irish children on Saturday afternoons."

"Have I got to eat such stuff as that?" with a despairing look at his veteran friend. "I'd just as soon be a billy-goat and live on circus-posters, fruit-cans and old hoop-skirts." "You'll get used to it after a while, same's we did. You'll see the time when you'll be mighty glad to get even as hard a tack as that!"