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I'm jist lying here, with a derringer into each hand, jist lying here kivered up and holdin' in on'y to keep from blowin' the top o' this d d skunk's head off. I kinder feel I can't hold in any longer.

The two of 'em just got to jawing in Hart's store about which was the best of two brands of plug tobacco Hart being behind the counter, and Charley, who had a bad jag on, setting out in the middle of the store on a nail-kag and the first thing anybody knowed, Charley'd let go with his derringer through his pants-pocket and Hart was done for.

My pistol exploded, the charge striking the limb above him, and I staggered backward, my hat torn from my head, a white line cut through my hair, and a thin trickle of blood upon my temple. I saw Caton rushing toward me, his face filled with anxiety, and then Brennan hurled his yet smoking derringer into the dirt at his feet with an oath.

"Not another step," warned Nell. "Ho! ho! ho! Would you try to frighten me? You can't do that, I've tamed more than one such as you. Come, be sensible, and let me have one kiss at least." Again he advanced. Harper Elliston uttered a low yet startled cry and shrank back in alarm. A cocked derringer gleamed in the hand of Nell Darrel, and the open muzzle was pointed at his breast.

Johnny laughed a little uncertainly over this contradiction. "Did I kill him?" he asked. "No, worse luck; just bored him through the collarbone. That heavy little derringer ball knocked him out." "I'm glad of that," said Johnny. "Which I am not," stated Danny Randall with emphasis. "You ought to have killed him." "Thanks to you I wasn't killed myself.

"Th' party was suddenly confronted be Major Lyddite iv Carthage an' a party iv frinds who were in town for th' purpose iv protectin' th' suffrage again' anny pollution but their own. Colonel Derringer an' Major Lyddite had been inimies f'r sivral months, iver since Major Lyddite in an attimpt to desthroy wan iv his fellow-citizens killed a cow belongin' to th' janial Colonel.

"I have always carried a derringer and I can use it, too!" boasted Sansome, swinging his cane. Morrell, left alone, stood on the corner for some time diligently engaged in getting control of himself. He laughed a little. "Regular bally melodrama, conspiracy and all, right off the blood-and- thunder stage," said he. "Wonder if it works in real life? We'll see."

At the other end of the counter Blount was lighting an unusually refractory pipe which persisted in going out at every third puff. Williams, noting a sharp projection in the side pocket of Blount's coat, smiled quizzically. "Derringer," he speculated. "Well, there ain't no accountin' for tastes. An' I've heard that Blount got two men in one scrap down in No Man's Land afore he come here.

The band of one Belcha, which was hovering in the neighbourhood of San Sebastian, had a shady reputation. It would be unjust to tempt these simple-minded guerrilleros with the sight of a Derringer, a hunting-watch, a tobacco-pouch, or a reconnoitring-glass. All these articles are useful on the hills. But even Belcha's looters had some conscience; they drew the line at money and wedding-rings.

It seems probable that the intimation of personal danger he had received had not been forgotten entirely; though fatally for him, he took a foolish way of showing his remembrance of it. He sought out Alexander Davis, the Judge of the Court, and drawing a cocked Derringer, he presented it at his head, and told him that he should hold him as a hostage for his own safety.