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I seem to hear again his mellifluous voice, repeating at the close of each passage of his argument, "And forthwith came thereout blood-AND WATER!" I did not approve of this sermon; I was not carried to heaven in the spirit by it, as by Channing's; but somehow it has stuck in my memory all these forty-eight years.

"I confess," continues the old woman, her little, light-brown curls dangling across her brow, and her face crimsoning, "I would like to be a princess." "You can," rejoins the former speaker, his fingers wandering to his chin. "Well! I have my beadle-beadles, I take, are inseparable from royal blood-and my servants in liveries.

Alas, Ernest could not recognize it! He beheld a war-worn and weather-beaten countenance, full of energy, and expressive of an iron will; but the gentle wisdom, the deep, broad, tender sympathies, were altogether wanting in Old Blood-and Thunder's visage; and even if the Great Stone Face had assumed his look of stern command, the milder traits would still have tempered it.

"I have always carried a derringer and I can use it, too!" boasted Sansome, swinging his cane. Morrell, left alone, stood on the corner for some time diligently engaged in getting control of himself. He laughed a little. "Regular bally melodrama, conspiracy and all, right off the blood-and- thunder stage," said he. "Wonder if it works in real life? We'll see."

It sometimes represses maladies, but for grave and acute cases it is impotent, just like this Mattei system, which, however, is useful as an intermediary to stave off a crisis. With its blood-and lymph-purifying products, its antiscrofoloso, its angiotico, its anti-canceroso, it sometimes modifies morbid states in which other methods are of no avail.

And that thou dost abhor thee for thy ways, And would'st in holiness spend all thy days. Blessed indeed is that man who, while encumbered with a sinful body, can truly say, "I live, yet not I, but Christ liveth in me." In Him all the commandments are obeyed-all my sins washed away by His blood-and my soul clothed with righteousness and immortality.

If there were boarding-houses in paradise Blodgett, the delight of mankind Solomon foresaw her A withering retort A modest, puny poise about her Hidden thoughts derived from Mother Eve and Grecian Helen The feminine council that ruled the Yankee captains Bonds of fraternity, double- riveted and copper-fastened Through the looking-glass Men only of the manliest sort The lady-paramount Hands which were true works of art Retained his dignity without putting it on Sighed heavily over my efforts Unctuous M. Huguenin "From dawn to eve I fell" The multum-in-parvo machine "Beauty and the Beast" Frank Channing "Blood-and water!"

The union of two friends or three, let us say is like Geryon in the pictures: a six-handed, three-headed individual; my private opinion is, that there was not one Geryon, but three Geryons, all acting in concert, as friends should. Tox. Done with you, then. Mne. And, Toxaris, we will dispense with the blood-and- scimetar ceremony.