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Giving a hitch to her sackcloth, she departed and banged the door. Henry and Miss Foster were solitary again. And as he glanced at her, he thought deliciously: 'I am a gay spark. Never before had such a notion visited him. 'What first gave you the idea of writing Love in Babylon, Mr. Knight? began Miss Foster, smiling upon him with a marvellous allurement.

And the Half-and-Half rose before her, clamouring, pungent, deliciously seductive. "Dear Mr. Winsor," she listened with no less interest to her own part in the marionette performance, "it's really too bad of you. Just as I was getting on so nicely, too!" "Is that all you feel about about our friendship?" "All? Didn't you undertake to teach me golf?

She lies, deliciously drowsy, thinking of her little daughter who lives somewhere far away with her grandmother or aunt. . . . The child is more precious to her than the public, bouquets, notices in the papers, adorers . . . and she would be glad to think about her till morning.

The sun was warm and jolly and hospitable from the arrival of its first rays, but the wind was deliciously cool and bracing and full of the wine of October. It came racing across the fields laden with harvest scents, blustering a bit now and then enough to bring down a shower of nuts or to make the yellow corn in the shocks in the fields rustle ominously of a winter soon to come.

They carry the same tastes with them to their places of business; and when they "attend divine service," it is with the understanding that God is to receive them in a richly carpeted house, deliciously warmed and perfectly ventilated, where they may adore Him at their ease upon cushioned seats, secured seats.

Death, however, came first to the gallant captain. When Primrose was ten years old, and Daisy was little more than a baby, Mrs. Mainwaring found herself in the humble position of an officer's widow, with very little to live on besides her pension. In the Devonshire village, however, things were cheap, rents were low, and the manners of life deliciously fresh and primitive.

I asked him why he didn't take me from the train at the first stopping-place and return to Rivermouth by the down train at 4.30. To use his own words, he had "shipped for the viage." This struck me as being so deliciously funny, that after I was in bed and the light was out, I couldn't help laughing aloud once or twice.

He got up and walked to the tank of ice-water at the end of the aisle, and took a drink from the most inaccessible portion of the common tin-cup's rim. The happy idea of going out on the platform struck him, and he acted upon it. The morning air was deliciously cool and fresh by contrast, and he filled his lungs with it again and again.

Overhead the monkeys chattered, parrots flashed from bough to bough, strange large blossoms shone around you, and the push and rustle of great beasts moving unseen thrilled you deliciously. And if you lay down with your nose an inch or two from the water, it was not long ere the old sense of proportion vanished clean away.

There was a touch of excitement, almost of defiance, in her low voice, and Radmore felt exceedingly taken aback and puzzled. This was an Enid Crofton he had never met. "Come, come you mustn't feel like that" he took her hand in his and held it closely. She looked up at him and her eyes filled with tears, and then, suddenly, her heart began beating deliciously.