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"DETAIL," the lieutenant announced, finding that word. "'Understand and am following sealed orders'. That's the North Dakota. She has coaled at sea and is now starting upon some mission known only to her commander and the naval authorities."

But even now, in the security of their hiding places, the Germans were meditating a bold stroke. Submarines were being coaled and victualed in preparation for a dash across the Atlantic. Already, one enemy submarine a merchantman had passed the allied ships blocking the English channel and had crossed to America and returned. Some months later, a U-Boat of the war type had followed suit.

Portman, and the other to be coaled and sent back to Vera Cruz, with her officers and her crew, and our whole party, including Captain Hagar, sailed in the next mail steamer for New York. It was late in the summer, and Mrs. Cliff dwelt happy and serene in her native town of Plainton, Maine.

Go on." "Listen," Hunterleys proceeded. "Is your yacht in commission?" "Ready to sail at ten minutes' notice," the young man assured him emphatically, "victualled and coaled to the eyelids. To tell you the truth, I have some idea of abducting Fedora to-day or to-morrow." "You'll have to postpone that," Hunterleys told him. "I want to borrow the yacht." "She's yours," Richard assented promptly.

From seven o'clock in the morning till twelve o'clock that night, the crew of the "Yankee" aforetime lawyers, physicians, literary men, brokers, merchants, students, and clerks men who had never done any harder work than play football, or row in a shell coaled ship without any rest, other than the three half hours at meal times. About the hardest, dirtiest work a man could do.

The second English mail was in, and all the crowd of passengers, who were at this time pouring out to the Cape to escape the English winter, had come, rejoicing, ashore, to eat, drink, be merry, and buy parrots and wicker chairs while the vessel coaled. He groaned and fled, in his hurry leaving the statement on the bench on which he was seated.

We took water there; and before we could get away from the tank, Hubbard had his twin shafts of silver under my car. We got a good start here, but our catch engine proved to be badly coaled and a poor steamer. Up to this time she had done fairly well, but after the first two hours she began to lose. Seeing no more of the freight train, I turned in, not a little pleased to think that Mr.

Marseilles is a natural point of departure for Mediterranean tours, and many yacht-owners send their vessels there to be coaled and stored for projected trips. "What is it?" queried Edith, when she could see nothing in the locality indicated save the vessels and the small expanse of water dancing in the rays of a bright sun. "The very best thing that could have happened.

Part of the deck, over which a sail had been stretched, was specially reserved for ladies. The Caledonia, having again coaled at Port Said, where a number of English men-of-war were lying, resumed her journey, with unfavourable weather and a rather rough sea, into the Mediterranean.

She was with him still when the yacht dropped anchor. "This is Samoa?" he said, half rising on his elbow, and a quick flush springing to his thin cheeks. "Yes," Virginia answered. "But there is no danger. My cousin says they will dare nothing. We shall have coaled in a couple of hours, and then "