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A deserter, apparently a Spanish sailor, had just been brought in, and was evidently trying to convey some important information that no one present could understand. "He says," exclaimed Ridge, after listening intently to the man, "that Admiral Cervera's ships coaled, provisioned, and under full head of steam are about to make a dash from the harbor.

Sometimes the waves wash right over their decks. As the sea is not smooth enough for them to be coaled from the large steamer, they have had to be taken in tow. We are having beautiful weather and are able to be on deck all day long. Thursday, April 8, We cannot feel thankful enough that we were given passages on this steamer. Mr.

We passed the plantation, noticeable because there is not another, that Mr. Pike has coaled to flourish round his fine house. There are dark green firs, feathery light green larches, birches, and other trees that dress in green only when summer comes; great clumps of laurel and rhododendron, the latter one mass of blossoms that almost hide the leaves beneath their rosy purple. Mr.

"I don't think you will be able to do that," said the signalman, who had remained alongside of us looking at the darkeys passing to and fro on the jetty below, from which a gangway of planks led through one of the midship ports to the coal-bunkers. "We're not likely to stop here after we've coaled ship."

Navy life is not meant to be a perpetual entertainment not though they do hold regular smokers on the quarter-decks of the big ships. To lie for months off a tropic port waiting for something to happen that is not exhilarating; and coaling ship, even with the band playing that is no joy. But the watching of tropic ports passes; and the ship has to steam many a mile before she must be coaled again.

"If you could love as she loves me, Lady Huntingford, you might know what love really is." "What a strange thing it must be that you and she can know it and I cannot," she mused, looking wistfully at the land afar off. At Aden everybody went ashore while the ship coaled at Steamer Point, on the western side of the rock, three miles from the town proper.

We knew that they passed Singapore on 8th April; we knew that they touched at the Anamba Islands and coaled there before the Dutch warships could arrive to prevent them; and we knew that on 14th April the fleet arrived in Kamranh harbour, in French Indo-China, where, while awaiting the arrival of Admiral Nebogatoff's squadron, which was coming out via the Suez Canal, the Russians proceeded to make good defects and generally prepare for the fight which they knew awaited them.

Whenever the ship coaled in a nearby port, the young chap communicated with the girl and together they walked and talked. The plain facts after all sounded harmless and innocent. What more natural than for a lonely girl to seek for pastime the company of a youth of her own kind?

In short, the general verdict as I have found it is indicated by what I have written, and the most enthusiastic advocate of Japanese cheap labor, the captain of the steamer on which I came from America, rather spoiled his enthusiasm for getting his ship coaled at Nagasaki for 7-1/2 cents a ton, by acknowledging that if it rained he should have to keep his ship waiting a day to get sufficient hands.

Belgrave's games, music, and dancing with the assistance of the Italian band, and finally the singing of the Gospel Hymns. The Blanchita was prepared for her voyage as soon as she came off from the shore, coaled for the round trip, supplied with cooked provisions, though the galley was available, and with everything that could possibly be needed.