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If Germany were to win this war, it would not be her bumptious aggression that the world ought to fear so much as the enormous impulse it would give to her detestable creed, to the principle of evil in the world. The danger for us Americans is greater than for others, not because of exposed coasts and an unprepared army, but because we are already tainted with the same raw materialism of belief.

We did not stop to ask our consciences whether the Prussian assumption that the dominion of the civilized earth belongs to German culture is really any more bumptious than the English assumption that the dominion of the sea belongs to British commerce. "We are now in a state of necessity; and Necessity knows no law," said the Imperial Chancellor in the Reichstag.

'He's a bumptious noisy blackguard too, said Charley; 'he doesn't know how to speak to a gentleman, when he meets one. Scatterall gave a great yawn. 'I suppose you're not going, Charley? said he. 'Oh yes, I am, said Charley, 'in about two hours. 'Two hours! well, good night, old fellow, for I'm off. Three cigars, Mrs.

As for the rest well, it is a long story, and we are still picking up pieces of it here and there." Ross pointed to the bunk in invitation. "Can you tell me what is known?" He was still somewhat at a loss, his old secret awe of Ashe tempering his outward show of eagerness. Ross still feared one of those snubs the other so well knew how to deliver to the bumptious.

We are both of us delighted to have come, the whole experience is so new, and what we couldn't have realised in England; and I am sure, in spite of the bouleversement of the bachelor regime, it is a great pleasure to the men we are here. Our Winnipeg acquaintances tell us that A is quite a changed man, so cheery and even bumptious, and that everything is now "What we do at the farm."

Speaking of the customs in Pennsylvania at that time, he said that not even a walk for exercise was allowed, and nothing was ever cooked on the sacred day. I met him afterward on various occasions, and could not but admire him. At a dinner-party he was vexatiously badgered by a very bumptious professor, who allowed himself to speak in a rather offensive manner of ideas which Mr.

He was a typical young Southern man; ignorant and bumptious as to the most common matters of school-boy knowledge, inordinately vain of himself and his family, coarse in tastes and thoughts, violent in his prejudices, but after all with some streaks of honor and generosity that made the widest possible difference between him and Wirz, who never had any.

He will soon have outstripped the other boys so that I could not give him the attention he needs, and besides the being with other boys, more his equals, would be invaluable to him." "Well, he is rather bumptious." "Nothing is worse for a lad of that sort than being cock of the walk. It spoils him often for life."

"A bumptious fellow, that," commented Mr. Heathcote when they left. "He'd 'like to work with you, indeed!" "A fellow with ideas. I'd like to work with him," replied his uncle; "though he isn't burdened with respect for his employers."

"Oh! guilty, I should say three months at the treadmill privately whipped, if you like," was the reply. Mr. Petty always voted on whichever side Bumptious was counsel the learned serjeant having married his sister and four others always followed the chair.