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Great ribs and bars and long flat lines of it lay all across the West. No other cloud, no other colour appeared anywhere in the sky. It was painted in those two tints alone; the brightest magenta conceivable and living gold. Walking back slowly to the ship, I gazed at it with interest. No other sky that I could recall ever shows this tone of colour.

One of these companions had been to the ball and left it early, and had fallen to talking of great personages he had seen there, and describing the beauties who had shone the brightest, among them speaking of my Lady Dunstanwolde and the swoon which had so amazed those who had seen it. "I was within ten feet of her," says he, "and watching her as a man always does when he is near enough.

With its companion, it revolves round their common centre of gravity in five hundred and twenty years. Their conjoint weight is about one-third that of the sun. There is reason to believe that the great star Sirius, the brightest in the heavens, is about six times as far off as alpha Centauri.

The lessons of self-distrust, of the nearness to one another of the most opposite emotions in our weak natures, of the depth of gloom into which the boldest and brightest servant of God may fall as soon as he loses hold of God's hand, never had a more striking instance to point them than that mighty prophet, sitting huddled together in utter despondency below the solitary retem bush, praying his foolish prayer for death.

The light there was soft and green. The comfortable chairs invited rest; the polished rosewood table, the bright piano shining in the brightest corner, the smooth old floor in whose rug the colours had long ceased to trouble, the general air of much used comfort, satisfied and refreshed. Esther loved the room.

He said: "I feel more miserable this morning than ever in my life before. I have a furlough for thirty days, but I do not care to take it. I am as well here as anywhere." I said: "I have often found that the darkest hours are many times followed by the brightest. Cheer up. I feel as if you would have some comfort before long, and see!

"Let him come, let him come," she answered with a laugh; "I shall be there, and he dares do none of his mischief in my presence." Thus was the last impediment removed. They prepared for the expedition, and soon set out upon it with lively spirits and the brightest hopes. But be not surprised, O man, if events almost always happen very differently from what you expect.

"We can already perceive the brightest rays of Aurora reflected in the sparkling eyes around us," exclaimed M. de Cosse. "A truce with your gallantry, gentlemen," replied madame de Mirepoix, "at my age I can only believe myself capable of reflecting the last rays of the setting sun."

Some miles on this side of Coniston there is a farmstead a gray stone house, and a square of farm-buildings surrounding a green space of rough turf, in the midst of which stands a mighty, funereal umbrageous yew, making a solemn shadow, as of death, in the very heart and centre of the light and heat of the brightest summer day.

It was a lesson that all must learn sooner or later, and one we would do well to think upon before we learn it, that sunshine in the soul is not dependent on the sunshine of this world, and when once the clouds descend, the brightest beams of all that earth contains cannot pierce them, God alone can touch these dark clouds with the finger of love and mercy, and say again, as He said of old, "Let there be light."