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Bouncer ran off in the direction the wild turkey had taken, and Alick and I followed him, but were unable to catch sight of it again. On our return we heard Robin and Martin shouting. When we were near them we saw them each holding up an egg. "There are eight of them," cried out Robin "two a-piece. We shan't starve to-day." They were indeed welcome, and we all expected a delicious meal off them.

Pucker to express his thanks for this great kindness to Mr. Bouncer, who whiled away the time by telling him terrible stories about the matriculation ordeal, Mr. Verdant Green and Fosbrooke ran upstairs, and spread a newspaper over a heap of pipes and pewter pots and bottles of ale, and prepared a table with pen, ink, and scribble-paper. Soon afterwards, Mr. Bouncer led in the unsuspecting victim.

We relieved them of their loads, and were soon seated round the fire, Bouncer lying down complacently watching us, while they discussed the provisions we had cooked; he, having devoured as much of the bear as he could manage, was independent of other food.

Again my duty to my Sheldon impelled me to be false to all my new-born instincts, and boldly give utterance to another bouncer. "I am very much interested in a county history now preparing for the press," I said to my honoured uncle, who was engaged in a hand at cribbage with his wife; "and I really think this old leaf from a family Bible would make a very interesting page in that work."

Now, Donnegan was not above middle height at best, and in his present shrinking attitude he found himself looking up a full head into the formidable face of the bouncer. "And what are you doing in here?" asked the genial Andy. "Don't you know this joint is for white folks?" "I ain't colored," murmured Donnegan. "You took considerable yaller to me," declared Lewis.

"Now, youngsters, you must all get out while I turn the scow over this 'ere log, and then you can jump in again on t'other side." With merry shouts they leaped out, one after the other, Tom holding Kitty in his arms, as he stood knee-deep in the water. "What is the matter with Bouncer?" cried Bessie. There was no time for a reply.

We thus proceeded towards the bank, being carried down, however, farther than we intended by the current. We were all three pretty well exhausted by the time we reached the shore, where, as soon as Robin had bailed her out, we hauled up the canoe, he and Bouncer jumping out of her.

Bouncer, frightened out of his life, made a movement to rise as he lay alongside me on the stern grating; but old Draper gave him a kick in the ribs with the toe of his heavy boot. "Lie still, you beggar!" he cried, bringing, with a tremendous pull of his arms, the oar-rudder hard over. "The boat's rightin' all right. We've seed the wust on it if yer'll only bide still!"

Allowing the sledge to go first, we all slid down the steep slope in a half-sitting posture, happily reaching the bottom without accident. Honest Bouncer then came up to be again harnessed, and we set off at our usual pace trudge, trudge, trudge. Hour after hour the click of the snow-shoes sounded in our ears. "I wonder how long a man can go without eating?" asked Martin in a doleful tone.

To leave the canoe and go to their assistance would be dangerous in the extreme, as, should she drift away, Robin would be unable by himself to paddle her back. I could not, however, resist the temptation of sending Bouncer, and one pat on the back while I pointed to the top of the rock was sufficient to make him leap on to it and climb to the top.