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From the opposition of light and darkness, water and fire, cold and heat, sprung the first life, the giant Ymer and his evil progeny the frost giants, the cow Adhumla, and Bor, the father of the god Odin. Odin, with his brothers, slew the giant Ymer, and from his body formed the heavens and earth.

"Yu ha'n't got ter put none o' them parts on, du I'll let ye ter know." Her eyes were suddenly wide and brilliant with tears; the fading sight of the mother was dazzled by the yellow shine of them and of the richly-coloured hair. "My pretty gal!" she breathed; "my pretty Dora! I ha'n't got no strength, bor." "I'll let yer ter know!" Dora cried with fury.

Truly he trusted in the Lord, but he was never unwilling to remember that Bor and Bor's mighty sons stood at his back. Even though they were in the "valley of shadows," they were near enough in a strait to divine his trouble and be ready to help him. The tenor of this conversation suited both men.

Another long silence. "Could you find un, dee yow think, noo, into Lunnon? Suppose, now, there was a mon 'ud gie may be five pund ten pund twenty pund, by * twenty pund down, for to ha' him brocht home safe and soun' Could yow do't, bor'? I zay, could yow do't?" "I could do it as well without the money as with, if I could do it at all. But have you no guess as to where he is?"

'Ay bor'! again!" the blackeyed lover, hypnotizing himself into an ecstasy, poured out race and passion and war with the law, in the true Gipsy rant which is sung from Transylvania to Yetholm or Carnarvon or Vancouver: "Time was I went to my true love, Time was she came to me "

If the beak is not thus struck against some object, the sound is quite different. Air is at the same time swallowed, and the oesophagus thus becomes much swollen; and this probably acts as a resonator, not only with the hoopoe, but with pigeons and other birds. For the foregoing facts see, on Birds of Paradise, Brehm, 'Thierleben, Band iii. s. 325. On Grouse, Richardson, 'Fauna Bor.

See Richardson, 'Fauna Bor. Americana, p. 241, in regard to the American variety or species: also Major W. Ross King, 'The Sportsman in Canada, 1866, p. 80. The horns of the reindeer are developed at a most unusually early age; but what the cause of this may be is not known. The effect has apparently been the transference of the horns to both sexes.

A number of rats were introduced under this cover, and hot coals were heaped upon the vessel, till the rats, rendered furious by the heat, gnawed into the very bowels of the victim, in their agony to escape. The rats were sent by the Governor himself. Vide Letter of the Commissioners to Sonoy, apud Bor, viii. 640, 641. The whole letter is a wonderful monument of barbarity.

A number of rats were introduced under this cover, and hot coals were heaped upon the vessel, till the rats, rendered furious by the heat, gnawed into the very bowels of the victim, in their agony to escape. The rats were sent by the Governor himself. Vide Letter of the Commissioners to Sonoy, apud Bor, viii. 640, 641. The whole letter is a wonderful monument of barbarity.

He happened to look at Vaughan first and grunted his disapproval, but a close scrutiny of Sax's features seemed to yield him great satisfaction, for he drew himself up straight, and, with a broad grin of delight, pronounced a word which caught the boy's dulling ear: "Bor s Stoo bar," he said, in long-drawn tones. "Bor s Stoo bar."