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The cockerels might fear the Rooster, but Henrietta certainly didn't. She considered him a good deal of a braggart. Indeed, she even had an idea that she could have whipped him herself, had she cared to be so unladylike as to fight. "I've been bothered for a long time because you crow so early in the morning. You make such a racket that you wake me up every day." The Booster hemmed and hawed.

"I'm a practical magazine man myself, and a circulation booster as good as any, if I do say it. I'll guarantee an increase of anywhere from ten thousand to a hundred thousand a year for any publication that isn't printed in a dead language. I've had my eye on The Rose of Dixie ever since it started. I know every end of the business from editing to setting up the classified ads.

The growing dearth of cattle-range in the United States offers, it seems, to Alaska the opportunity of supplying the American market with meat, and the kindling fancy of the enthusiastic "booster" sees trains loaded with frozen reindeer meat rolling into Chicago.

When confidence began to be shaken, prices hesitated. If confidence should disappear, values would follow suit." "But why should confidence disappear? Isn't this city as good to-day as it was a year ago? Doesn't it occupy the same site? Are not the farms still producing?" "That's just it, dear Mrs. Hardy. Why, indeed? Simply because the booster has given way to the calamity howler.

"Are you sure you're not screening somebody else?" "Screening somebody else? Do you mean some other fellow?" "Yes. I'm not asking you to give the name, Nicky." "I swear I'm not. Why should I be? I can't think why you're all making such a fuss about it. I don't mean poor old 'Booster. He's got some cause, if you like." "But what was it you did really did, Nicky?"

There were crystal miners from Titan, farmers from Venus, Mars, and Earth, prospectors from the New Sahara desert of Mars, engineers from the atmosphere booster stations on Ganymede, and just plain citizens who wanted a new life on the distant satellite of Wolf 359. All had gathered for the great mass flight into space.

And we still have that big container of ham left." "Yeah, as soon as it gets hot, we just swim instead of walk," said Astro. "And, believe me, there's going to be a lot of swimming done!" "Think we might strike anything down that way," asked Roger. He looked down the canal in the direction Tom had indicated. "That's the direction of the nearest atmosphere booster station.

He was a pretty good sort after all. Just a very human, contented, work-a-day man who liked other good fellows, was sorry for those who took life too seriously, never did any person a contemplated harm, knew neither malice nor envy, was always a booster and never a knocker, and whose sense of humor was generously given out for expansion rather than preserved to harass his own soul.

The most vivid part was the end of it, after he had given his promise. Peggy had broken down and put her head on his shoulder and cried like anything. And it was at that moment that Nicky thought of "Booster," and how awful and yet how funny it would be if he walked into the room and saw him there.

When they get down, a big straddle truck on caterpillar treads picks them up they land in the doggonedest places, sometimes! and brings 'em back. Then a crane heaves them up on a high-speed truck and they do it all over again." Joe considered while he ate. It made sense. The function of the pushpots was to serve as the first booster stage of a multiple-stage rocket.