United States or Libya ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

And let us, both on common and festal days, amid the gifts of joyous Bacchus, together with our wives and families, having first duly invoked the gods, celebrate, after the manner of our ancestors, with songs accompanied with Lydian pipes, our late valiant commanders: and Troy, and Anchises, and the offspring of benign Venus. What shall I do?

Union is recommended as well by the free and benign principles of our Government, extending its blessings to every individual, as by the other eminent advantages attending it. The American people have encountered together great dangers and sustained severe trials with success. They constitute one great family with a common interest.

Their influence is always benign and serene, and we may always have recourse to it, while the secrets of Beethoven, Mendelssohn, Chopin, Schumann lie hidden between leaves, in the keeping of crabbed little hieroglyphs, and a voice, an instrument, or perhaps an orchestra, is needed to reveal them. The picture, the statue, has no secrets but open secrets.

This Turn hath made Amends; thou hast fulfill'd Thy Words, Creator bounteous and benign! Giver of all things fair! but fairest this Of all thy Gifts, nor enviest. I now see Bone of my Bone, Flesh of my Flesh, my Self.... To the Nuptial Bower I led her blushing like the Morn No. 90. Wednesday, June 13, 1711. Addison. ... Magnus sine viribus Ignis Incassum furit' Virg.

For the charm of Zanzibar lies in the fact that while the white men have made it healthy and clean, have given it good roads, good laws, protection for the slaves, quick punishment for the slave-dealers, and a firm government under a benign and gentle Sultan, they have done all of this without destroying one flash of its local color, or one throb of its barbaric life, which is the showy, sunshiny, and sumptuous life of the Far East.

This, we would say, is probably an example of a more or less automatic intellectual operation occurring when the patient is sufficiently stimulated, although he cannot be raised to the point of spontaneous verbal productivity. As these scattered reports about benign stupors are so unsatisfactory, one naturally turns to text-books. Little more appears in them.

Two or three servants all more solemn than any clergyman began to make new arrangements; a tall lady, benign of aspect, rose and most graciously received him; a tall gentleman, with a gray mustache, shook hands with him; and then, as he vaguely heard young Ogilvie, at the other end of the room, relate the incident of the upsetting of the cab, he found himself seated next to this benign lady, and apparently in a bewildering paradise of beautiful lights and colors and delicious odors.

In the wild storm, The seaman hews his mast down, and the merchant Heaves to the billows wares he once deem'd precious; So prince and peer, 'mid popular contentions, Cast off their favourites. It was some time ere Roland Graeme appeared. But an oblong bit of iron, ycleped a bolt, was passed across the door on the inside, and prevented her benign intentions. Lilias knocked and called at intervals.

We read that he was of somewhat portly habit, by no means tall; that his face was rather benign than otherwise, and that his eyes suggested a sleepy mildness. Such as he was, he had lived a queer, wild life, but its queerest and its wildest scenes were now to come in swift succession before the end. The city guard, of which Porteous was the commander, were scarcely more popular than their chief.

Now, in stupor we have an analogous reaction where, although consciousness is not disturbed in the sense in which it is in epilepsy, it is nevertheless considerably affected, inasmuch as contact with the environment is practically non-existent. The coincident thinking disorder is quite similar, both in epileptic dementia and the torpor following seizures and in these benign stupors.