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Some of the sizars are pious men, I have no doubt, and I dare say the Fellows leave " "I swear this is too much," said Julian, using the only oath that ever in all his life-time crossed his lips. "You canting and mean Pshaw! you are beneath my abuse. Sizar indeed! there, take that, and begone."

This latter was spoken to in the Karian language by the prophet, but the other slept in the sacred enclosure round the temple of Amphiaraus, and in his dreams saw a servant of the god standing beside him and bidding him begone. When he refused to go, the figure cast a great stone at his head, so that he dreamed that he died of the stroke. This is the story which is told of Mardonius.

The girl, espying these, whenas they were already close upon them, cried out, saying, 'Pietro, let us begone, for we are attacked'; then, turning her rouncey's head, as best she knew, towards a great wood hard by, she clapped her spurs fast to his flank and held on to the saddlebow, whereupon the nag, feeling himself goaded, bore her into the wood at a gallop.

"'Knowest thou not, said I, 'that if the Gods condemned me to die by thy hand, not only thou, but thy whole house, thy wife and thy children, would be sacrificed to my ghost?" "'The earth can hide the Spartan's bones as secretly as the Helot's, answered my strange foe. 'Begone, young and unfleshed in slaughter as you are; why make war upon me? My death can give you neither gold nor glory.

He had fulfilled his promise and had best begone. Juve and Michel were guarding the door. The situation was dangerous, and well the policemen knew it! They had come to grips with a formidable criminal, to whom nothing was sacred, who would stick at nothing!

Therefore lose no time begone to the country or rather, Zedekiah Fish's vessel, the Good Hope, lies in the river, bound for Massachusetts take the wings of the morning, and begone she can fall down to Gravesend with the tide." "And leave to thee, brother Christian," said Bridgenorth, "the charge of my fortune and my daughter?

I must depart; you have heard the proverb, 'Those who are bound must obey. Young Jack, I presume, is squalling, and I must either nurse him, rock the cradle, or sing comic tunes for him, though Heaven knows with what a disastrous heart I often sing, 'Begone, dull care, the 'Rakes of Newcastle, or, 'Peas upon a Trencher. Neal, I say again, pause before you take this leap in the dark.

Go summon the regiment of the Slayers, and, Mopo, see that thou fail me not." "If I fail thee, O King, then I fail myself, for it seems that my life hangs on this matter." "If all the words that ever passed thy lips are lies, yet is that word true, Mopo," said Chaka: "moreover, know this, my servant: if aught miscarries thou shalt die no common death. Begone!"

Begone, and thank your evil gods that I am not already at your lying treacherous throat. Take yourself off, Durga Ram. The people of Bala Khan do not make war on women and old men. The Mem-sahib and her friends are under my protection." "I will buy them!" shouted Umballa, recollecting the greed of Bala Khan. "My word is not for sale!" came back.

"If Deathwind thirsts for Wingenund's blood, let him spill it now, for when the Delaware goes into the forest his trail will fade." "Begone!" roared Wetzel. The fever for blood was once more rising within him. The chief picked up some weapons of the dead Indians, and with haughty stride stalked from the glade. "Oh, Wetzel, thank you, I knew " Nell's voice broke as she faced the hunter.