United States or Martinique ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

"Dammy," concluded the valet, reflecting upon this wonderful hand which luck had given him to play, "with such cards as these, James Morgan, you are a made man. It may be a reg'lar enewity to me. Every one of 'em must susscribe. And with what I've made already, I may cut business, give my old Gov'nor warning, turn gentleman, and have a servant of my own, begad."

"I've drawn Brickbat," said Fitzpatrick, "a d d good horse; he won the hunters' plate at Tuam last year." "Oh! I wish you joy," said Gayner, "for he won't start to-morrow, my boy: he's at Tuam now." "Begad! he'll start as soon as yourself, Bob," said little Larry; "he came to Castleknock last night, and he's at Frenchpark now: Murphy from Frenchpark is to ride him."

Pen heard Blanche's piano breaking out into brilliant music as he went down to join his uncle; and they walked away together. Arthur briefly told him what he had done. "What was to be done?" he asked. "What is to be done, begad?" said the old gentleman. "What is to be done but to leave it alone?

Your mother having read these two days 1,734 pages of memoirs of the Coke family, one of whose members wrote the great law commentaries, another carried pro-American votes in Parliament in our Revolutionary times, refused peerages, defied kings and begad! here they are now, living in the same great house and saying and doing what they darn please we know this generation of 'em! well, your mother having read these two big volumes about the old ones and told me 175 good stories out of these books, bless her soul! she's gone to sleep in a big chair on the other side of the table.

On his way from the northern states, general Gates passed through Fredericksburg, where he fell in with general Charles Lee, who, in his frank manner, asked him where he was going. "Why, to take Cornwallis." "I am afraid," quoth Lee, "you will find him a tough piece of English beef." "Tough, sir," replied Gates; "tough! then begad I'll tender him.

They're aalways yillen fer thim O. K. blanks. Ye'd think, begad, I was goin' to steal thim from thim. Ye'd think I lived on thim things. O. K. blanks, O. K. blanks. From mornin' 'til night O. K. blanks. It's nonsinse! It's onraisonable!" And his face flushed a defiant red.

The other hand held binoculars through which Dick was gazing fixedly at the line of wharfs they were approaching. "Well, old chap," said he, in answer to the meaning touch. "You know all about it, eh? I believe you do; begad, I quite believe you do.

His sister-in-law had brought the poor little devil's bonnet and shawl out, and flung them upon the study-table. Did Goodenough know any thing about the the little person? "I just caught a glimpse of her as we passed in," the major said, "and begad she was uncommonly nice-looking."

Signed, James Morgan." "I'm d d if I sign it," said Morgan. "My good man, it will happen to you, whether you sign or no, begad," said the old fellow, chuckling at his own wit "There, I shall not use this, you understand, unless unless I am compelled to do so. Mrs.

It originated in a match between Devenham on his 'Moonraker' and myself on 'Clinker, but Sling here was hot to match his 'Rascal, and Carnaby fancied his 'Clasher, and begad! applications came so fast that we had a field in no time." "Good fellows and sportsmen all!" nodded the Captain. "Gentlemen riders no tag-rag, gamest of the game, sir."