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"And it is I," he thought, "that am going to fling down the poor old fellow's air-castle. Well, it must be. Here goes. I I went into your lodgings at Bury-street, though I did not find you," Pen slowly began "and I talked with Morgan, uncle." "Indeed!" The old gentleman's cheek began to flush involuntarily, and he muttered, "The cat's out of the bag now, begad!"

"O begad, I had forgot," says the Pope, the good-natured ould crethur; "sure enough, you were only taking your part as a good Milesian Catholic ought agin the heretic Sassenagh. Well," says he, "fire away now, and I'll put up wid as many conthroversial compliments as you plase to pay me." "Well, then, answer me my question, you santimonious ould dandy," says his Riv'rence.

Begad, you might as well enter a powder magazine with a branch of candles in your hand, as go into society in the island with a leaning towards the fair sex. Very hard this was for me particularly; for like poor Sparks there, my weakness was ever for the petticoats.

I like a man of birth certainly, but dammy, I like a brewery which brings in a man fourteen thousand a year; hey, Pen? Ha, ha, that's the sort of man for me. And I recommend you now that you are lanced in the world, to stick to fellows of that sort; to fellows who have a stake in the country, begad." "Foker sticks to me, sir," Arthur answered. "He has been at our chambers several times lately.

I got into a misunderstanding with the colonel about that lady; colonel allowed her and me was too thick, so me and him, begad, had a rough-and-tumble, and that's how I come by this here." He pointed to his empty eye-socket. "Pluggie was one of your furriners jest like Mex, but not so pooty." "If she was half as handsome as Mex," said Pierce, "I don't wonder that you gave your right eye for her."

"Heigh-ho! but this is a queer rig-up for Sir Percy Blakeney, Bart., to be found in by his lady, and no mistake. Begad!" he added, passing his hand over his chin, "I haven't been shaved for nearly twenty hours: I must look a disgusting object. As for these curls . . ."

"Narrow squeak that, Walsh! That devil has crawled close up on us. Can you see him?" "Begad, sir, I can see nothing at all but rocks, rocks, rocks. How can a man fight anyway agin' human beings that crawl like snakes?" Zip! Another shot close at hand, too, and from another unseen foe.

Begad, you look dev'lish well and healthy, sir. I always said my brother Jack would bring the family right. You must go down into the west, and buy the old estate, sir. Nec tenui penna, hey? We'll rise again, sir rise again on the wing and, begad, I shouldn't be surprised that you will be a Baronet before you die." His words smote Pen.

"Begad you did, Mr Daly; thim very words." "Why then, Martin, I tould you what wasn't thrue, for I'm come all the way from Tuam, this minute, to tell you all about it." Martin turned very red, for he rightly conceived that when an attorney came all the way from Tuam to talk to him, the tidings were not likely to be agreeable. "And is it about Barry Lynch's business?" "It is."

"Listen; I want you to secure two seats in the 'Fly, for this night; inside seats, or if you can't get insides, then outsides will do." "Stop where you are," replied Pat, about to start downstairs; "the thing will be done in five minutes." "Are you mad, Pat?" said she; "take the money with you before you go." "Begad," said Pat, "my heart was in my mouth here, let us have it.