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He and his uncle shook hands manfully, at the full outstretch of their arms, in a way so like them, to Rosamund's thinking that is, in a way so unlike any other possible couple of men so situated that the humour of the sight eclipsed all the pleasantries of Captain Baskelett.

Lady Menai inquired of Captain Baskelett whether he knew the nature of his uncle's business in Bevisham, the town he despised. What could Cecil say but no? His uncle had not imparted it to him. She was flattered in being the sole confidante, and said no more.

I'm afraid I permitted myself to lose my self-command for a moment. Palmet sang out an amorous couplet to console himself. Captain Baskelett respected the poetic art for its magical power over woman's virtue, but he disliked hearing verses, and they were ill-suited to Palmet. He abused his friend roundly, telling him it was contemptible to be quoting verses. He was irritable still.

'That pestilent fellow! Colonel Halkett ejaculated. 'I understand he has had the impudence to serve a notice on Grancey Lespel about encroachments on common land. Some one described Dr. Shrapnel's appearance under the flour storm. 'He deserves anything, said the colonel, consulting his mantelpiece clock. Captain Baskelett observed: 'I shall have my account to settle with Dr.

That man will employ every weapon. He will soon be here bowing to me to turn me to his purposes. 'Cecilia can see through Baskelett, said Beauchamp. 'Single-mindedly selfish men may be seen through and through, and still be dangerous, Nevil. The supposition is, that we know the worst of them. He carries a story to poison her mind.

Shrapnel stopped, facing the visible master of men, at the end of his walk before he turned his back to continue the exercise and some discourse he was holding aloud either to the heavens or bands of invisible men. 'Ahem, Dr. Shrapnel! He was accosted twice, the second time imperiously. He saw two gentlemen outside the garden-hedge. 'I spoke, sir, said Captain Baskelett.

But is it so with all of us? No, thought Rosamund, sinking dejectedly from a recognition of the heavenliness of the justice which lashed her and Nevil, and did not scourge Cecil Baskelett. That fine eye for celestially directed consequences is ever haunted by shadows of unfaith likely to obscure it completely when chastisement is not seen to fall on the person whose wickedness is evident to us.

She would have prevented the reading. But the colonel would have it. 'Read on, said he. 'Mr. Romfrey saw no harm. Captain Baskelett held up Dr. Shrapnel's letter to Commander Beauchamp, at about half a yard's distance on the level of his chin, as a big- chested singer in a concert-room holds his music-scroll. Before we give ear to the recital of Dr.

Cecilia looked the loveliest of women to Beauchamp's eyes, with her blush, and the letters of Dr. Shrapnel in her custody, at her express desire. Certain terms in the letters here and there, unsweet to ladies, began to trouble his mind. 'By the way, colonel, he said, 'you had a letter of Dr. Shrapnel's read to you by Captain Baskelett. 'Iniquitous rubbish!

'You two seem to have made your preparations to stand a criminal trial. 'It is pure truth, my lord. 'Do you take me to be anxious about the fellow's virtue? 'She is a lady who would please you. 'A scandal in my house does not please me. 'The only approach to a scandal was made by Captain Baskelett. 'A poor devil locked out of his bed on a Winter's night hullabaloos with pretty good reason.