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In the same building are three national and one savings bank, besides the town and other offices. Immediately beyond is Mr. Atwood's drug store, an establishment of long standing, which would bear favorable comparison with any similar store as regards either attention or knowledge of a druggist's duties. Farther along the same street are Central Block and the Academy of Music.

Finally, I got a new clue from Detroit, which seemed to indicate that I would find the man there. It came to nothing, however, and when I returned to St. Louis I found that Atwood's wife had died in the meantime that he had stored his furniture, and his daughter was living in an hotel.

And in some of the back numbers was the advertisement about Mr. Higgins. I do wish I could show 'em to you, but I lent 'em to Mrs. Atwood up to the Center. If 'twan't such a ways I'd go and fetch 'em. Mrs. Atwood's been awful nice to me. She took care of my trunks and things when I went West yes, and afore that when I went to Bayport to keep house for that miser'ble Cap'n Whittaker.

The three of us could have nabbed him the minute we came in." "Tierney," replied Marsh, "there's a little girl up north that I hope to marry some day. You know her she's Atwood's daughter. If that girl knew that her father was a crook it would break her heart. I didn't intend that she should ever know.

But had it no other purpose? That question we may answer when we know its name and its nature. And it is not beyond our powers to conjecture this with something like certainty. For the only "machines" possible to use in illustration of simple mechanics are the screw, the wedge, the scale, the lever, the wheel-and-axle, and Atwood's machine.

Edward Watkins first played on the violin, giving some familiar airs with such spirit that toes went tapping as he drew his bow back and forth. Dorothy followed him with Kipling's "I Keep Six Honest Serving Men." The music was Edward German's, and Helen played the accompaniment on Mrs. Atwood's little organ. The introduction was spirited and then Dorothy sang softly.

This method of applying Columbus's words in detail to refute each of the alleged tracks, and the study that I gave to the subject in the winter of 1878-79 in the Bahamas, which has been familiar cruising ground to me, has resulted in the selection of Samana or Atwood's Key for the first landing place.

And Farmer Atwood's knife and fork came down into the dish of ham with an onslaught that would have appalled a Jew. "The governor is right, mother," said the young man referred to as Roger. "We shall all be in strait-jackets for the summer." The speaker could not have been much more than twenty years old, although in form he appeared a full-grown man.

She sprang to her feet, and exclaimed passionately, "I'd rather die ten thousand deaths than bring a blush of shame to Roger Atwood's face." Then she sank into her chair in an uncontrollable outburst of grief. He pleaded with her, but she was deaf; he tried to caress her, but although half unconscious from her agony, she repulsed him. "Oh, oh," she moaned, "is this the sole reward of my fidelity?"

Presently Jane Atwood's eyes opened slowly, and she gazed in a bewildered and uncomprehending way at the two men bending anxiously over her. Marsh continued to bathe her forehead and gradually she seemed to realize her position. She struggled slowly into a sitting position on the davenport while the two men stood back, awaiting her first words.