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I know better what the Lord hath against me yet what need I note it, seeing it is cancelled in the blood of His Son? But for our Lady ah me!" "Sir Ademar!" and the dark sunken eyes of the Dowager looked very keenly into his "arede me your thought is my Lord of Kent he that should repair this wrong, or no?" Ademar's voice was silent; but his eyes said, "No!"

She noticed that Father Ademar gave her fewer penances than Father Dominic used to do; that he treated her mistakes as mistakes only, and not as sins; that generally his ideas of sin had to do rather with the root of evil in the heart than with the diligent pruning of particular branches; that he said a great deal about Christ, and not much about the saints.

The Lady Le Despenser, whom the basin of rose-water had just reached for the opening washing of hands, dropped the towel and grew white as death. "Jesu have mercy! yonder is Master Lyngern's horn!" "He is maybe returned with a message, Lady," suggested Father Ademar, the chaplain; but all eyes were fixed on the door of the hall until Bertram entered.

"And yet once more," she said, fixing her eyes upon him, as if to watch the expression of his face while she put her test-question. "Yonder writ of excommunication: was it verily and indeed forth against Sir Ademar de Milford, the Sunday afore I was wed?" Did she expect to read any admission of fraud in that handsome passionless face? If she did, she found herself utterly mistaken.

"But, Sir Ademar, God doth chastise His children!" "Truly so, Madam, as you yours. But I marvel which is the more sufferer yourself or the child." He spoke pointedly, for only the day before Isabel had chosen to be very naughty, and had imperatively required correction, which he knew had cost far more to Constance to administer than to her refractory child to receive.

I once heard say Father Ademar that it were not over three hours' journey at the most; for the thief on the cross went there in one day, and it were high noon ere he set out." Maude stopped sooner than she intended, suddenly checked by a moan of pain from Custance.

A serf of Achard of Châlus had ploughed up a golden relic, an emperor with his family seated round a golden table. Ademar of Limoges had seized it. Richard demanded the whole and was after it sword in hand. The holders were in Castle Châlus, short of weapons but not of valour, and held out gallantly armed with frying-pans and whatnot. The place was undermined.

But they never made her think that she had done wrong only that she had been misunderstood and badly used. Matters were very different with Father Ademar. He was so quiet and gentle that Maude never felt afraid of him. He often said, "Pray our Lord to grant thee wisdom in this matter," but he never said, "Repeat fifty Aves and ten Paternosters."

She glanced at Sir Ademar de Milford, who sat on the settle, studying the works of Saint Augustine, as if to ask him to answer for her. Ademar was no longer the family confessor, for the family had given over confessing; but Archbishop Chichele, professing himself satisfied of his orthodoxy, had revoked the now useless writ of excommunication, and the priest had resumed his duties as chaplain.

"Sweet Lady, an' he were hither, methinks Father Ademar " "No, no not Father Ademar. Oh, if I could rend the grave open! if I could tear asunder the blue veil of Heaven! I set no store by it all then; but now! He would forgive me: he would not scorn me! He would not count me too vile for his mercy. O my Lord, mine own dear Lord! you would never have served me thus!"