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And all the while there rose groanings and moanings from eddies in the bottom of the well, as if the spirits that kept watch over me jewel were yammering together that one should be so near it; and clear above them all I heard Grace's voice, sweet and grave, 'Have a care, have a care how you touch the treasure; it was evilly come by, and will bring a curse with it.

There was more birdlime underfoot, and the inhuman yammering of the streets was replaced with echoing silence, and that silence was invaded by the sound the voice of the colossus, remote and terrible. Dewforth asked directions again, this time of a pear-shaped figure which may or may not have had legs and which sat in the mouth of an iron cave and smoked what appeared to be a twist of hemp.

You know you're glad I threw him out he couldn't be let go on yammering and yodelling and yawping sedition and treason. Sedition and treason somebody had to deal with it. I was born for this hour I've had my innings in church at last. I can sit quiet for another sixty years now! Go ahead with your meeting, parsons. I reckon you won't be troubled with any more pacifist prayers."

And she looked just like her mother! "You shut up, you old cat!" he burst out fiercely, as the Widow rushed in to assault him. "Shut your mouth and get off my ground!" He drew back his palm to launch a swift blow and then his hand fell slack. "Well, holler then," he said, "what do I give a dam' whether you like the deal or not? You'd be yammering, just the same.

Belle, it seemed to me, was a little dazed for many a long day, and whiles I would be finding her with some wee childish garb of Bryde's, and greeting and laughing at it in her hands, and old Betty yammering by the fireside, mixing her stories of bawkins and wee folk, and the ploys she would be having in her young days at the peats.

"Well, he made a sort of yammering noise," said Billie, "but that only made him look sillier." "Deuced good!" chuckled Sir Mallaby. "Funniest thing I ever heard in my life!" gurgled Mr. Bennett, swallowing a digestive capsule. "May have been half-witted," suggested Mr. Mortimer. Sam leaned across the table with a stern set face.

I waded through the mud, shoving the skiff before me and yammering the chant of my manhood to the world. I paid for it. I was sick for a couple of days, meanly sick, and my arms were painfully poisoned from the barnacle scratches. For a week I could not use them, and it was a torture to put on and take off my clothes. I swore, "Never again!" The game wasn't worth it. The price was too stiff.

Casey paid no attention to that. He knew without being told that he was under close scrutiny from eyes unseen; which was what he desired and had prepared for. The spring, as he had guessed, was above the camp. He threw a rock at two yammering curs that rushed out at him, and drove them back with Caseyish curses.

"Phorenice, Goddess, aid us now!" some cried, and when the prayer did not bring them instant relief, they fell to yammering out the old confessions of the faith which they had learned in childhood, turning in this hour of their dreadful need to those old Gods, which, through so many dishonourable years, they had spurned and deserted.

In the crush of the electric train, packed tightly into the heart of the most yammering and petulant crowd in the world home-going pleasure seekers a youth rose to give her his seat.