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His yammering notes rose and fell, ascending and descending the full run of the scale, swelled into a throaty howl and broke into jerky, wailing yaps like a chorus of satyrs. The uninitiated could never have believed all those sounds came from one wolfish throat; it seemed that it must be that the entire pack, or at least half a dozen animals, raised that woeful lamentation.

Each evening these forlorn remnants were wont to forsake their stolid-faced wives and yammering offspring and pick their way through the solitary stump-dotted street, past windowless, deserted buildings which were the saloons and dance-halls of better days, to foregather around the huge stove in the rear of Hod Burrage's general store, which was decrepit Hilarity's sole remaining enterprise, and there to brag and maunder over the dead town's former glory.

Gilson sprang up, yammering, "The rest of you may stay as long as you like, but if I'm to be home in time to dress for dinner " "Yes, and I must be going," babbled Saxton. Milt noted that his lower lip showed white tooth-marks. It must be admitted that all of them rather ignored the little old lady for a moment.

Then, with a little shudder of hesitation, the planes dipped, inclined slightly earthwards, and began slowly and as if reluctantly to slip down the long and empty channels of the air. At this, rousing, Lanyard became aware of his own voice yammering wildly at Vauquelin: "Good God, man! Why did you do that?" Vauquelin answered only with a pale grimace and a barely perceptible shrug.

Dillon's stockings. They were lisle. Her legs are nice and slim. But no nicer than mine. I hate cotton tops on silk stockings. . . . Are my ankles getting fat? I will NOT have fat ankles! "No. I am fond of Will. His work one farmer he pulls through diphtheria is worth all my yammering for a castle in Spain. A castle with baths. "This hat is so tight. I must stretch it. Guy liked it.

At last he cursed himself, "Why don't you do something that 'd count for her, and not sit around yammering for her like a fool?" He worked on his plan to "bring the South into line" the Souvenir Company's line. Again and again he sprang up from the writing-table in his hot room when the presence of Istra came and stood compellingly by his chair. But he worked.

And here I am, my hands dyed red in Murderers' Row, in the State Prison of Folsom, awaiting the day decreed by the machinery of state when the servants of the state will lead me away into what they fondly believe is the dark the dark they fear; the dark that gives them fearsome and superstitious fancies; the dark that drives them, drivelling and yammering, to the altars of their fear-created, anthropomorphic gods.

Smoke looked out over the river. "Get ready for visitors. There are two crossing the ice now." "Huh! Wait till Breck files that string of claims at nine o'clock. There'll be two thousand crossing over." "And every mother's son of them yammering 'mother-lode," Smoke laughed. "'The source of the Klondike placers found at last."

Entering the yard, we found the wooden sheds crowded with people at breakfast all ages, from white-haired men, bent with years, to eager childhood, yammering over its morning meal, and careless till the next nip of hunger came.

Peter was sitting in his room when he heard them yammering at his door with so much hilarious insistence that he found himself getting up to open it, without giving himself time to put down the book he was reading or to take off the overcoat he had put on for want of a fire, and finding himself in some embarrassment because of the misapprehension which this fact involved. "Ready, Peter?"