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Updated: August 15, 2024

She wrings her hands, and having sailed as it were into the further end of the pit, vaults back, and commences a series of wild gyrations round Mr. Krone. "Poor wretch!" says Brother Spyke, complacently, "the gin has dried up her senses made her what she is." "Maniac Munday! Maniac Munday!" suddenly echoes and re-echoes through the pit.

The getting of it on is anguish, and as to the getting of it off, I heard her moan to her nurse the other night, as she wriggled her curly head through the too-small exit, "Oh I only God knows how I hate gettin' peeled out o' this dress!" The spectacle of a small boy whom I meet sometimes in the horse-cars, under the wing of his predestinate idiot of a mother, wrings my very soul.

Is this fine handwriting yours? Then here's to the bumper that proves every friend! Isn't that true? And though when we drink it it wrings us, and it does sometimes! Here's to the cup that we drain to the end, Even women have to be plucky, don't they, Marion? And here's to the hearts that it brings us!" Whispering Smith rose before the applause subsided.

Antoinette basked in the light of Ermentrude's beauty ennobled by renunciation, and Ermentrude in that wonderful look in her friend's plain face which came at great crises and made her for the moment the equal of the best. They had said little; and they said little now, as is the way of the strong amongst us when an act is to be performed which wrings the heart but satisfies the conscience.

I have thought it all over and, though it wrings my heart to say it, I cannot see you again. Forgive me and forget. Hell was supposed to be very hot, very red, full of pugnacious demons. Educated people do not believe in it any more. It is curious how ignorant educated people have become.

As soon as his own friends and a stately procession of other royal or noble victims have been set at liberty, he proceeds to pull the parrot to pieces. As the wings and legs come away, so tumble off the arms and legs of the magician; and finally as the prince wrings the bird's neck, Punchkin twists his own head round and dies.

My pine forest beloved of me these many years, my grove was on the mountain's crown, whither men bore my holy things, dim with dusky pine and pillared maples. These, when he required a fleet, I gave gladly to the Dardanian; now fear wrings me with sharp distress.

I remembers plain, now my mind is on them topics, how Red Dog goes hysterical complete, an' sets up nights an' screams. Which the vocal carryin's on of that prideless village is a shame to coyotes! "It's hold-ups that so wrings the public's feelin's. Stages is stood up; passengers, mail-bags an' express boxes gets cleaned out for their last splinter. An' it ain't confined to jest one trail.

She wrings her hands, and having sailed as it were into the further end of the pit, vaults back, and commences a series of wild gyrations round Mr. Krone. "Poor wretch!" says Brother Spyke, complacently, "the gin has dried up her senses-made her what she is." "Maniac Munday! Maniac Munday!" suddenly echoes and re-echoes through the pit.

Lo Pan himself, beneath a blasted oak, Dejected lies, his pipe in pieces broke See Pales weeping too in wild despair, And to the piercing winds her bosses bare. And see yon fading myrtle, where appears The Queen of Love, all bathed in flowing tears; See how she wrings her hands, and beats her breast, And tears her useless girdle from her waist: Hear the sad murmurs of her sighing doves!

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