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Look at the heat-rash on the innocint skin av her. 'Tis hard crool hard even for us. Fwhat must it be for these? Wake up, Nonie, your mother will be woild about you. Begad, the child might ha' fallen into the ditch!" He picked her up in the growing light, and set her on his shoulder, and her fair curls touched the grizzled stubble of his temples.

The country is overrun with Hindity mescrey, woild Irish, with whom the Romany foky stand no chance. The fellows underwork me at tinkering, and the women outscream my wife at telling fortunes moreover, they say the country is theirs and not intended for niggers like we, and as they are generally in vast numbers what can a poor little Roman family do but flee away before them?

No wan hadn't seed um, an' they clum aboord th' thrain, cursin' an' swearin' vingince on Creed phwin they caught um. "Thin, maybe it's two wakes afther, we wuz settin' in Burrage's phwin th' dure bust open, an' in come Rad Cranston loike th' divil wuz afther um. "'They's a woild man, he yells, 'come out av th' woods, an' he's tearin' things up in Creed's cabin!

"West One Hundred and Eleventh Street." "Oh yes are you related to the Morris Sternbergers in the boys'-pants business?" "I think on my father's side." "Honest, now! Carrie Sternberger married my brother-in-law; and they're doin' grand, too! He's built up a fine business there. Ain't this a small woild after all!" "It is that," agreed Miss Sternberger.

I'll never believe that level-headed young person went out into the cold woild in her glad rags, an' no coverin'. Well, then, say, she lef' that knife here, locked up good an' plenty. Where where, I say, would she siccrete it?" He glared round the room, as if trying to wrest the secret from its inanimate contents. "Mr. Stone says that walls have tongues.

It roared overhead, but, save an occasional sigh, as if of sympathy with their suffering brethren abroad in the woild, the hermits of this cell stood upright and still around the sleeping water. But my heart was a well in which a storm boiled and raged; and all that "pother o'er my head" was peace itself compared to what I felt.

'Sivin an' fifty men sittin' on the bank av a canal, laughin' at a poor little squidgereen av an orf'cer that they'd made wade into the slush an' pitch the things out av the boats for their Lord High Mightinesses. That made me orf'cer bhoy woild with indignation. "Soft an' aisy, Sorr," sez I; "you've niver had your draf' in hand since you left cantonmints.

Bragin's face I think I'm for a dhressin'-down worse than I gave you." 'An' I was! Annie Bragin was woild wid indignation. There was not a name that a dacint woman cud use that was not given my way.

In fact, the freshmen tried to get even money, but could not. The fourth and fifth rounds were filled with good, sharp, scientific work, but toward the close of the fifth both men seemed a trifle groggy. Neither had a decided advantage. "Dat Merriwell is a boid!" declared Buster Kelley enthusiastically. "Why, dat chap could be der champeen of der woild if he went inter der business fer fair.

"Sivin an' fifty men sittin' on the bank av a canal, laughin' at a poor little squidgereen av an orf'cer that they'd made wade into the slush an' pitch the things out av the boats for their Lord High Mightinesses. That made me orf'cer bhoy woild wid indignation. "'Soft an' aisy, sorr, sez I; 'you've niver had your draf' in hand since you left cantonmints.