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Matilda insisted, concealing her quizzical purpose under a well-acted air of gravity Her two friends roared, and, spurred on by their merriment, she continued to make game of me. "Won't you give us one look, at least? Do, please! Come, my mother will never find out you have been guilty of a great sin like that." I was dying to get up and fling out of the room, but I felt glued to the spot.

The cunning Yorkshire groom's eye twinkled at this, and he remained passive a minute or two: then, said suddenly, with well-acted fervor, "I can't keep the pony waiting in the cold, like this;" applied the whip, and rattled off with such decision, that Grace did not like to interfere, especially as George was known to be one of those hard masters, an old servant. So, by this little ruse, Mr.

To the sharp, startling accusation, "You are drunk, sir," the answers were beautifully various. The indignant "No, sir!" the well-acted surprise, "I, sir?" the conciliatory "God bless your honour, no, sir!" the logical "Bill Bowling was cook to-day, sir," and the sarcastic "No more than your honour's honour," to witness, were, as we small wits say, better than a play.

But Tammy was far more cute in many ways than he got credit for being; and though astonished when the cool air and a few gentle shakes woke him up, he was not frightened by the hideous visages; even the feigned voices did not deceive him. But he was wise enough to pretend ignorance of their identity, and stared a well-acted credulity. "What have you done with what you found in that chimney?"

"Was I?" I said at last, with an air of well-acted surprise. "Really subdued and influenced? I do not think so. But I admit I have never seen a woman so entirely beautiful." He stopped in his walk, loosened his arm from mine, and regarded me fixedly. "I told you so," he said, deliberately. "You must remember that I told you so. And now perhaps I ought to warn you." "Warn me!"

"What do you want?" "Good-day, monsieur; I did not expect to confer with you." "M'sieu'," said Joan, with well-acted dignity, "if you prefer to confer with the captain or Mr. Bissonnette, whom I believe you know in the matter of a pail, and "

As if defeated in this childish attempt, he now sinks to the earth despondingly, beating his breast in well-acted despair; and then, starting to his feet all at once, and throwing back his head, raises both hands, like a schoolboy about to catch a falling ball.

"I do not like to tell you, and yet I must. I am in absolute want of five thousand francs." "What, you?" "Yes, I, or rather my husband, who has asked me to procure the money for him." I was so stupefied that I stammered out my answers. I asked myself whether she had not really been making fun of me with Doctor Parent, if it were not merely a very well-acted farce which had been got up beforehand.

It would compromise me seriously to hear such a discussion even in jest. Remember who I am, mademoiselle, and the office I hold. 'Your great frankness, Mr. Walpole, makes me sometimes forget both, said she, with well-acted humility. 'I wish it would do something more, said he eagerly. 'I wish it would inspire a little emulation, and make you deal as openly with me as I long to do with you.

"Louisa Castlefort!" cried Lady Cecilia, answering that involuntary start of confusion with a well-acted start of admiration. "Louisa Castlefort, si belle, si belle, so beautifully dressed!"