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Updated: August 23, 2024

Tak' 'a cup o' kindness' with me, man. Hot tay will tak' the cauld out of vour disposeetion." Mr. Traill pulled a bell-cord and Ailie, unused as yet to bells, put her startled little face in at the door to the scullery. At sight of the policeman she looked more than ever like a scared rabbit, and her hands shook when she set the tray down before him.

The sausingers wur very good, an' teasted moorish aal the time; but the bread an' butter wur so nation thin that I had to clap dree or vour pieces together to get a mouthful. I didn't seem to want a knife or vork, but the young 'ooman put a white-handled knife an' silver vork avoor me.

"Time was I've zeed vifteen pair o' 'osses go out of this 'ere yard in vour-and-twenty hour; and now there be'ant vifteen, no, not ten, in vour-and-twenty days! There was the duik not this 'un; he be'ant no gude; but this 'un's vather why, when he'd come down the road, the cattle did be a-going, vour days an eend.

It seemed to us as this must be a lie, and there war a lot of talk oor it, and at last vour on us made up our moinds as we would go over and see vor ourselves. "It war a longer tramp nor we had looked vor, and though we sometoimes got a lift i' a cart we was all pretty footsore when we got to the end of our journey.

And he jingled in his pockets a heavy bag of gold, and winked, and chuckled, and then suddenly checking himself, repeated in a sad, dubious tone, two or three times, "Vour on 'em there was vour on 'em there was;" and relieved his feelings by springing the pony into a canter till he came to a public-house, where he pulled up, called for a pot of hot ale, and insisted on treating me.

And I beliebe it would, on'y dere came a divurtisement. For you see, I sets myself down in my 'spair, on de cole stone floor; and soon as ebber I does dat, a whole passel o' rats come a- nosin' and a-smellin' at me, and nibblin' my shoes 's if dey'd like to 'vour me alibe; and it tuk all my time and 'tention to dribe dem away." "That was horrible, Katie," said Ishmael, in a tone of sympathy.

If you leave the theatre, you can repay me the money. Now for your budget. What are your yearly expenses? How much do you want to be comfortable? Come, now, scheme out a life for a Sardanapalus " "I only need two suits of clothes, von for der vinter, von for der sommer." "Three hundred francs," said Gaudissart. "Shoes. Vour bairs." "Sixty francs." "Shtockings " "A dozen pairs thirty-six francs."

If you leave the theatre, you can repay me the money. Now for your budget. What are your yearly expenses? How much do you want to be comfortable? Come, now, scheme out a life for a Sardanapalus " "I only need two suits of clothes, von for der vinter, von for der sommer." "Three hundred francs," said Gaudissart. "Shoes. Vour bairs." "Sixty francs." "Shtockings " "A dozen pairs thirty-six francs."

"'Haw, haw! Never frout about that, saith Bill, zame as I be tullin you; 'us has warrants and warships enow, dree or vour on 'em. And more nor a dizzen warranties; fro'ut I know to contrairy. Shutt 'un, us manes; and shutt 'un, us will Whai, Miss Annie, good Lord, whuttiver maks 'ee stear so?

Ten!" said the bell. "Dree! Vour! Fibe! Sax! Seben! Aight! Noin! Den!" answered the others. "Eleven!" said the big one. "Eleben!" assented the little ones. "Twelve!" said the bell. "Dvelf!" they replied perfectly satisfied, and dropping their voices. "Und dvelf it is!" said all the little old gentlemen, putting up their watches. But the big bell had not done with them yet. "Thirteen!" said he.

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