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Updated: August 19, 2024

"Yes, and in the middle of writing I look up and see the maiden oh, vairy beautiful! How she gives it to English Judaism sharp in that book the stupid heads, the Men-of-the-Earth! I could kiss her for it, only I have never been introduced. Gideon, he is there! Ho! ho!" he sniggered, with purely intellectual appreciation of the pungency. "What maiden?

"Vairy good, then, my friends, we were going to offer you a happy life and a share in our prize, but you will not take them, so we shall have to pitch you both overboard." "As Neb says, I should just like to ketch yer at it," roared Blane. "Lookye here, Frenchy," cried Dumlow in his strange growl, "you make these beggars loosen this here line, and I'll fight yer one hand."

That is lung-trouble in a manner o' speakin'." "Lung-trouble's good," said the old man. "Vairy good. You're a good little lad, Brand. You help me in my hour o' need...." "Father!" came the stern voice from the back seat. The old man began to flap with his elbows. "There she goes, givin' tongue! Is that you, Miss?" he called, in his half-humorous whimper. "You wasn't meant to hear that.

The sheep gave a second bleat, and then a third, and Rosythe, red in the face and apparently choking, turned and fled to the corridor. Madame Planchet drew me apart and said: "Meester Billee, tell me something. Ees eet true that thees gentleman ees a healer? He takes away the pains?" "He did it for me," I answered. "He ees vairy handsome, eh, Meester Billee?" "Yes, that is true."

Caporal take care till you come back. By gar, I coot naut resist he vos so vairy moche gentilman and I vos so ongrie I go vis him not fife hunder yarts ah! bon Dieu how nice!

"I have an idea; eet ees a wondair." She turned to my friend. "Meester Carpentair, they tell me that you heal the pains. I think eet would be a vairy fine thing eef you would come to my parlor and attend the ladies while I give them the permanent wave, and while I skeen them, and make them the dimples and the sweet smiles.

Yes, funny, Petie, vairy funny!" She laughed, and Petie laughed in violent, noisy peals, as children love to do, each gust of merriment fanning the fire for another, till all control is lost, and the little one drops into an irrepressible fit of the "giggles."

"You see, sare, it vos ven in Espagne de bivouac vos vairy ard indeet 'pon us, vor we coot naut get into de town at all, nevair, becos you dam Ingelish keep all de town to yoursefs vor we fall back at dat time becos we get not support no corps de reserve, you perceive so ve mek retrograde movement not retreat no, no but retrograde movement.

"Ye may sa-ay your vairy worst to Sam," said Elizabeth, "and he'll just sa-ay back, 'Think a doan't knaw that, he'll say, 'afower ever yow were born? and just gwarn with his sooper. And I give ye my word, Widow Thrale, I no swooner told it him than there he sat! An' if he come down on our ta-able wi' th' fla-at of his ha-and once, that he did thrice and mower, afower he could sa-ay one word.

"Is it?" "Well, it sounds so to us. We Swiss are very democratic." "I think I'm a radical." Pastor Lahmann lifted his chin and laughed softly. "You are a vairy ambitious young lady." "Yes." Pastor Lahmann laughed again. "I, too, am ambitious. I have a good Swiss ambition." Miriam smiled into the mild face. "You have a beautiful English provairb which expresses my ambition."

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