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"How dull England will seem to you when you go back to it!" he said to her, after a moment. His tone had an under-note of bitterness which Elizabeth uncomfortably recognised. "Oh! I have a way of liking what I must like," she said, hurriedly. "Just now, certainly, I am in love with deserts flat or mountainous tempered by a private car." He laughed perfunctorily.

A silence fell between them. Lashmar's amorous countenance had an under-note of thoughtfulness; Iris, smiling blissfully, none the less reflected. "What are you thinking of?" he asked, gently. "Only how happy I am. I haven't the slightest fear. I know you have great things before you. Of course we must make use of our friends. May I write to Mrs. Toplady, and tell her?"

Why couldn't you have seen him here?" She hesitated. "Because he wanted to see me alone." "Did he, indeed? And may I ask if you gratify all his wishes with equal alacrity?" "I don't know that he has any others where I am concerned." She paused again and then continued, in a lower voice that somehow had an under-note of warning. "He wished to bid me good-by. He's going away."

And the groups had always a golden background, and over them always the golden glow from the footlights cast a warm radiance that again was strengthened by the golden reflections from the wall of yellow stone, so that the whole symphony in colour had for its under-note a mellow splendour of golden tones.

As Tetlow stood at attention, Norman turned and advanced toward him. "Mr. Tetlow," he began, in his good-humored voice with the never wholly submerged under-note of sharpness, "is it your habit to go out to lunch with the young ladies employed here? If so, I wish to suggest simply to suggest that it may be bad for discipline." Tetlow's jaw dropped a little.

In the midst of it, patient and nervous, sat Joyce, watching always that spot in the bushes where a blue overall and a brown head had disappeared. The under-note of alarm which stirred her senses died down; a child finds it hard to spin out a mood; she simply sat, half-dreaming in the peace of the morning, half-watching the wood.

A low sweet voice, with an under-note of trembling in it, made this modest protest, in the form of an inquiry: "When you have quite done, Percy, with our good friend, perhaps you will have something to say to ME?" THE persons immediately interested in the marriage of Percy and Charlotte were the only persons present at the ceremony. At the little breakfast afterward, in the French hotel, Mr.

"Come on," called Wyatt Earp, and added an epithet. Above the mass of tossing heads the muzzles of rifles were bobbing up and down. The trampling of feet and the shuffling of packed bodies made a dull under-note. Shouts arose from many quarters. "Go on!" "Get him!" "Now, boys!" Wyatt Earp threw back his head and repeated his challenge. "Come on!" He flung an oath at them. "Sure you can get me.

Yet, of course, the situation, Maxwell, Fontenoy, all that those names implied to him and her, made a thrilling under-note in both their minds. She never forgot her husband and his straits; and in George's mind Fontenoy's rugged figure stood sentinel.

To an experienced ear there would have sounded the faint warning under-note of sullenness. But she, believing in his love and in herself, saw nothing, suspected nothing. "We know each other so thoroughly," she went on, "that we don't need to make any effort. How congenial we are! I always understand you. I feel such a sense of the perfect freedom and perfect frankness between us. Don't you?"