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And then they shook hands with Jack, and Towzer went back to have more last words with Flora, and a parting embrace: and after they were gone Flora was so drowsy, that she could not tell about her ride in the soap man's little blue cart, her head drooped upon papa's shoulder, and her eyelids were very heavy.

Nor did the young fellow himself, when told what his mission was to be, expect much pleasure or benefit from it; but he was consoled by the thought that possibly the old lady would give him some handsome remembrance of her, which would pay a few of his most pressing bills at the commencement of the ensuing Oxford term, and so took his place by the coach from Southampton, and was safely landed at Brighton on the same evening? with his portmanteau, his favourite bull-dog Towzer, and an immense basket of farm and garden produce, from the dear Rectory folks to the dear Miss Crawley.

"Dito cause Hector Abbott got licked for teezing lame Jenny Munn his name just fits him. "Dito cause Mr. Strong is our preecher he's got some sense. "Dito for his wife. "Dito for Towzer. He's a good dog. "Dito for all the rest of our family. "Dito cause we have some shoes to wear this winter. "Dito cause for carrots and beets and turnips and cabbige and potatoes.

Under its influence the bones gradually disappeared, and, according to Flora's theory, became leaner and smaller. Jack declared that the way that dog was a picking up, beat all nature! Flora never admitted Towzer at the big gate, and he very soon learned to go round. It was the big gate that opened the way to Flora's troubles, and she had a wholesome fear of it in consequence.

Towzer fitted into it quite naturally, and, as he was in many respects a more pleasant companion, Flora did not miss the black baby as she otherwise would have done. Flora seemed to be none of the worse for her perilous adventure. After a refreshing sleep, she awoke happy and bright, not the least like the miserable child of the night before.

Almost at the same time, the door of the cottage opened, and Ronald and the Major appeared upon the threshold with a lantern. As they so stood, they were almost immediately below me, strongly illuminated, and within easy earshot. The Major pacified the dog, who took instead to low, uneasy growling intermingled with occasional yelps. 'Good thing I brought Towzer! said Chevenix.

He's a perfect fury, gets mad at nothing, and chaws his mustache and glares so ugly I always listen to see whether he's going to growl like Towzer." "He has the finest house in town," said Faith consolingly, "and a piano and a horse and buggy. He is going to have an automobile next summer." "I'd rather live with nice folks than with pianos and nautomobiles," Peace interrupted.

Hunters go to their houses and catch them and teach them how to drum, 'cause they have brains enough to learn. Look at that lion with its mouth open and that woman with her head chucked clear inside. She must like to be licked better'n I do. It makes me shiver when Towzer sticks his big, hot tongue on my face. Ugh!

Not even old Towzer came to challenge him as he unlatched the gate and approached the house, and not a ray of light shone out into the darkness from window or door, though it was yet early evening. The place was as silent as a grave. Puzzled, the man made a circuit of the cottage, but neither saw nor heard anything of the occupants. "I wonder what has happened," he thought to himself.

Our beat is this path close about the house. Down, Towzer! good boy, good boy- -gently, then! he went on, caressing his confounded monster. 'To think! The beggar may be hearing us this minute! cried Ronald. 'Nothing more probable, said the Major. 'You there, St. Ives? he added, in a distinct but guarded voice. 'I only want to tell you, you had better go home. Mr.