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"Peart as peart, Pose." Breem waited a little, twirling his cap, but receiving a sharp thump from Thomson, went on: "The boys, pard, are anxious about the little critter. They're kind of hankering, pard, and, mum, if you are willin', and ain't 'fraid to trust her with us, why, we'd be mighty glad to tote her just for a few minutes over to camp. The boys are stiddy, all of 'em, stiddy as churches.

His suitcase was at Walker's and it was hardly possible that Walker had forwarded his effects. He opened the door cautiously and saw at a glance that the bag was undeniably his. He groped for his trousers and gave the waiting porter half a dollar. "How did it get here?" he asked with attempted indifference. "Don't know nuffin' 'bout it, suh; gemmen tole me tote 'er up. If it ain't all right "

Both drew down as Miss Doc reappeared in the door. "I might as well tote a kettleful, too," she said, and taking that soot-plated article from its hook in the chimney she once more started for the spring. This time, like a guilty burglar, old Jim crept out to the door.

"If ye can't walk it yerself, Pat, ye an' yer wooden leg, then I kin tote ye on me back." "Sure ye kin go, father; an' I'll be goin' along wid the two o' ye," said Mary. "The poor lass bes wantin' amusement, an' it be but right for us all to give it her. Music an' a concert she bes wantin' to keep up her poor little heart agin the storm. Sure, an' why not?

If Asia had a Panama Canal to dig, she would dig it with picks, hoes, and spades and tote out the earth in buckets. Nothing but human bone and sinew would be employed, and the men would be paid little, because without tools and knowledge they must always earn little.

She's brave, and can get along without us." Larry did not reply at once, and Harry continued. "It will only take us a day and a half to reach it, and with your help, a sling can be made of the canvas top of the wagon, and the two animals can 'tote it' as the darkies down South say. I can walk back up the trail, or even ride one of the horses.

Is I ME, or who IS I? Is I heah, or whah IS I? Now dat's what I wants to know." "Well, I think you're here, plain enough, but I think you're a tangle-headed old fool, Jim." "I is, is I? Well, you answer me dis: Didn't you tote out de line in de canoe fer to make fas' to de tow-head?" "No, I didn't. What tow-head? I hain't see no tow-head." "You hain't seen no towhead?

It is a curious fact that this act of common humanity was regarded as something remarkable in the neighborhood; the grateful sot himself always said "it was mighty clever of Abe to tote me so far that cold night." It was also considered an eccentricity that he hated and preached against cruelty to animals.

"Now ef you wanted to keep in wid Marster Carr don' drap you shoes in de field an' leave 'em he'd beat you; you mus' tote you' shoes frum one field to de tother, didn' a dog ud be bettern you. He'd say 'You gun-haided devil, drappin' you' shoes and eve'thin' over de field'."

"He don't tote a pistol and I'll manage to slip into his room and see if he has one there, and if he has, I'll hook it. I have also hatched out a plan to get the women folks away. I've got my mother, and of course she knows nothing about the affair, to send a message by me asking them to come over to our house. If I can get the old man to go, too, so much the better.