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And Mother went placidly on with her sewing as she watched the girl and the tot go hand-in-hand down the path to the spring-house under the hill. She had just placed in her sleeve and was regarding it with entire satisfaction, when the front gate clicked and she looked up with interest.

But before that I can vaguely recall something different. It has always seemed like a kind of fairyland, for I was a very little tot then. But one of the things I seem to remember was a sweet, kind-eyed mother and a big, laughing father. Then, too, there were horses and lots of cows. That is about all, except that the chain around my neck seemed to have some connection with my early life.

The Bu'ster stood by with the blot-sheet, looking eager, as if he rather wished for blots, and was prepared to swab them up without delay. "Are ye ready, Tot?" asked Gaff. "Yes, quite," answered the child. "Then," said Gaff; with the air of a general officer who gives the word for the commencement of a great fight, "begin, an' fire away." "But what am I to say, daddy?"

"Wy no, chile; don't yer know de mole he's blin' tell yit? ef'n he could er got dat stone, he could er seen out'n his eyes befo' now. But I ain't got no time ter fool 'long er you chil'en. I mus' git marster's shuts done, I mus'." And Aunt Edy turned to her ironing-table, as if she didn't care for company; and Dumps and Tot, seeing that she was tired of them, went back to the house, Tot singing,

Dumps's was a wax baby with eyes that would open and shut; and it had on a long white dress, just like a sure-enough baby, and a little yellow sack, all worked around with white. Tot was so little, and treated her dollies so badly, that "Old Santa" had brought her an India-rubber baby, dressed in pink tarlatan, with a white sash.

Dumps and Tot and the three little darkies gravely nodded their heads in assent. "Den jes go an' tell yer pa so," said the old man. "An', anyway, yer'll hatter be gwine, caze hit's gittin' dark." The little folks walked off slowly towards the house, and presently Dumps said,

And then, as if moved to repeat the boatswain's words, he continued, "And don't you men dare to come back without Mr Leigh." The men had got their own way; but though they waited patiently for the rest of the lieutenant's order respecting the extra tot of grog, that order did not come, and they had to set off without it.

"Well, I did read it then," she suddenly declared defiantly. "No, I'm not ashamed. Yes, I read it from cover to cover. It made me cry like I haven't cried over a book since I was a little tot. You can say what you like, but it's beautiful a beautiful love story and it does tell about noble, unselfish people.

'We done that job to rights if we never done another, eh, lad? says father, reaching out for a coal to put in his pipe. 'Seems like it, I said. 'There'll be a deuce of a bobbery about it. We shan't be able to move for a bit, let alone clear out. 'We'll show 'em a trick or two yet, says dad. I could see he'd had a tot, early as it was. 'I wonder how them chaps got on? But we'll hear soon.

In fact, she was still poking through her basket and frowning thoughtfully when a childish voice came to her ears. "Yes, Virgie! Here I am. Out under the trees." Immediately came a sound of tumultuous feet and Miss Virginia Houston Cary burst upon the scene. She was a tot of seven with sun touched hair and great dark eyes whose witchery made her a piquant little fairy.