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Updated: August 21, 2024

"The wild unrest that lives in woe Would dote and pore on yonder cloud That rises upward always higher, And onward drags a labouring breast, And topples round the dreary west, A looming bastion fringed with fire."

Aroint thee, wench! I sorrow for the vagabond student of the Latin Quarter now, even more than formerly I envied him. Thus topples to earth another idol of my infancy. We have seen every thing, and tomorrow we go to Versailles. We shall see Paris only for a little while as we come back to take up our line of march for the ship, and so I may as well bid the beautiful city a regretful farewell.

"Come on then, sir," said the old sailor, picking up the capstan bar again; "and you stand well back, Master Carey. We don't want to break you again if she topples over." The boy drew back and the levers were thrust in beneath, and once more the raft began to move inch by inch outside the gangway. "Both together, sir," cried the old sailor; "easy it is heave ho heavy ho steady ay, oh!

Peters loads Mr. Pownal's gun with sixteen buck-shot, topples him off a precipice twenty feet high, breaks three of his ribs, and makes a considerable incision in his skull. Never was there such a wonderful escape. It is too horrible." "How the newspapers are given to big stories!" said Mrs. Bernard.

"When the man wants weight, the woman takes it up, And topples down the scales; but this is fixt As are the roots of earth and base of all: Man for the field, and woman for the hearth; Man for the sword, and for the needle she; Man with the head, and woman with the heart; Man to command, and woman to obey; All else confusion." Woman is not content to remain separate and apart.

I know the Dean mentioned one thing that began with a 'paleo' but I have forgotten the rest of it. I'll let you know later. "I have a perfectly darling room. It looks right out over Lake Michigan. There's a big square bay window to it, that overhangs the edge of the bluff like the balcony of a Spanish beauty. Our back garden just topples right over into a ravine that ends up short on the shore.

The tinsmith brings out his steps, and, mounting them, stealthily removes the saucepans and pepper-pots that dangle on a wire above his sign-board. Pulling to his door he shuts out the foggy light that showed in his solder-strewn workshop. The square is deserted again. A bundle of sloppy parsley slips from the hawker's cart and topples over the wheel in driblets.

Then Guy's hands curl up, an arm wavers, and he topples headlong into the glowing flames, to be burnt up altogether. Guy is only made of straw, so we need not be sorry for him; but it is a curious custom, and we have to go to history to find out what it means. That there was a real man, a Guy Fawkes, who lived in James I.'s reign, you know perhaps.

The fingerprint expert did as he was told. When he stepped down he was holding, between the very tips of his fingers, a safety razor blade. "No dust on it, you see," Dundee pointed out. "Now if you don't find Dexter Sprague's fingerprints on it, my whole theory topples." "How am I going to know whose fingerprints they are till we get hold of Sprague?" Carraway asked reasonably.

Poe through a letter Richard gave him, and now that the papers are full of him, and everybody is talking about him, these backbiters like Bowdoin want to get into line and say they always thought so. But Richard has never wavered. Of course Poe loses his balance and topples backward once in a while but he's getting over it. That is his mistake and it is unfortunate, but it isn't a crime.

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