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Of that I never had a misdoubt. The word is this, and I begin to think that old Fra Sebastian may be a real Christian, after all. He not only offers, but he says it must be this way: As soon as 'top-lofty' can be safely moved, he wants him to the sannytarium to his mission. Him and Ferd, the dwarf, likewise. He says them old Californys all belong to him, and he will look after them.

"That's the one member of the Grant family," she said to herself, "whom my fine gentleman must admit is the equal of any one of his top-lofty kinsfolk in Kennedy Square or anywhere else." Which outburst the scribe must admit to himself was but another proof of the fact that no such thing as true democracy exists the world over.

What you doing now, Edward Trent?" "Pullin' wool, like you said!" and wound the white blanket he had caught from his cot the more tightly about Luis' head. Meanwhile, the ranch mistress had gained the office and asked admission at its locked door. When a long wait ensued, she reflected rather anxiously upon what the men had often said, "That Old Century is as top-lofty as a king.

I've stood just about all I'm going to stand of your top-lofty independence and business airs as though you weren't a wife at all, but just as 'be-damned-to-you' independent as though you were as much of a business man as I am! No, sir, you'll do what I say from now on. I've been tied to your apron strings long enough, and now I'm the boss see? Me!" He tapped his florid bosom.

"I think it is because Doctor Randolph is not content to float, Louis," Evadne answered gently. "He must always be climbing higher. Like Paul, he is 'pressing towards the mark." "He is a grand fellow! And the beauty of it is he never seems to think of himself at all. Most men would get to be top-lofty if they accomplished as much as he does every day." Evadne's lips parted in a happy smile.

Things generally do even up in this world, if a body has patience to wait a spell," answered Samson. "And though I've no love for him, and wouldn't trust him across this plaza, without watchin', I can't help pitying poor 'top-lofty, and thinking he was more fool than knave. The idee! Them plans and performances of his savor more of the 'middle ages, that I've heard about, than of these days.

"I'll walk down there this afternoon and make their acquaintance." "A good idea," said Walker, contented to shift the responsibility of a second offer. "You'll find them charming real thoroughbreds," he saw fit to add. "A bit top-lofty?" queried the millionaire. "Not in the least. But they have their own standards, Mr. Anderson."

But, beneath his armor of dignity, he quaked to think what the results to himself must have been, had he obeyed his first impulse of drawing his pistol and shooting the adored and pricelessly useful collie. Mahan, stolidly rejoicing in his victory over the top-lofty potentate whom he disliked, led the way out of the crowded vestibule into the street.

"General, you are deep; you'll have to explain." "Well, all our sort of fellows patronize something or other. They cheat a man out of his eye-teeth one day, and the next, you hear of them endowing something or other, or making a speech to a band of old women, or figuring on a top-lofty list of directors. That's the kind of thing I want." "You can get any amount of it, General, by paying for it.

The response was immediate. "The loidy says she's gone out, sir, and ain't likely to be back," remarked the top-lofty buttons, upon his return. I was so maddened by this slight, and so thoroughly apprehensive of further trouble from the infernal shade, that I resolved without more ado to sneak out of England and back to America before the deadly blighting thing was aware of my intentions.