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Updated: August 29, 2024

"I didn't give him shelter I gave him a home one you denied him. But go on I prefer to hear you out." The colonel's eyes blazed. He had never seen St. George like this: it was Temple's hot outbursts that had made him so easy an adversary in their recent disputes. "And you will please do the same, St. George," he demanded in his most top-lofty tone, ignoring his opponent's denial.

Maybe it's because he's so top-lofty and condescendin'. A feller can whistle to me and say: 'Come on, Bill, and I'll trot at his heels all day. But when he pats me on the head and says: 'There there! nice doggie. Go under the bed and lay down, my back bristles up and I commence to growl right off. There's consider'ble Whittaker in me, as I've told you before."

Oh, I can just imagine the top-lofty style in which she will inform Miss Angela that there must be some mistake." "And then, of course, they'll both find out that somebody's been April-fooling them." "Of course. But that isn't going to interfere with our fun. Miss Angela will be set down by that time just where I want her, when she discovers that her invitation is nothing but an April fool on her.

Even his father seemed a little daunted at this proposal. "That's it laugh!" urged Lanse. "If I'd proposed to try to get on the 'reportorial staff' of a city newspaper you'd all smile approval, as at a thing suited to my genius. I'd have to live in town to do that, and what little I earned would go to fill my own hungry mouth. Now at the shops you needn't look so top-lofty!

Just remind me about it when I'm getting top-lofty, will you, please? I'm afraid I'll forget to be meek." "What's that you're talking about?" asked Constance's voice, and Patricia turned to see her standing smiling in the doorway. "Oh, oh, you lovely thing!" she cried in instant approval. "Why, I'd never known you in that heavenly rig."

The backbone of the force was the 60 galleons, large, top-lofty vessels, all but 20 of them from the merchant service, with towering poops and forecastles that made them terrible to look upon but hard to handle. On board were 8,000 sailors and 19,000 troops.

As a rule, the temptress of the store is pretty frequently quite beautiful, and almost invariably handsomer than those fortunate daughters of Mammon whom she is called upon to serve, and who often treat her with such top-lofty hauteur.

The senor soon rallied, and again fixed his eyes imploringly on Benton's face, as he sat on the edge of the bed beside him. "Yes, top-lofty, I promise to help you. But first you must help yourself. You must pledge your word, the word of a dying man, that he dare not break.

The license which he subsequently manifested not only with her but with others astonished and disgusted her. She found him selfish, domineering, outside his own particular field shallow, not at all artistic, emotional, or poetic. In his manner with her and everyone else he was top-lofty, superior, condescending.

He was beginning to feel that he could get along without her, that he could find someone better. Naturally such an attitude would make for the death of passion, as the satiation of passion would make for the development of such an attitude. Margaret became indifferent. She resented his superior airs, his top-lofty tone at times. They quarreled over little things.

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