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They regard as a benefactor, anybody who can rescue them from their scrape, with due form of ceremony and guarantee of dignity. My order to the Maoris, desiring peace, was obeyed. This is the Sir George Grey whose doings you follow with the keenest tingle of interest Grey, Pro-Consul. But his other activities all grouped round this signature, and they are to be read with it.

These were all, I think, memorials of friends. In the morning she sat down to 'Una's beautifully toned piano, and sang one of Lockhart's Spanish ballads, with eloquent expression, so as to make my blood tingle. Hospitality was quite frequent now in our first English home, as many letters affirm.

To read the reports of commanders and other officers, and the narratives of bystanders, all attesting to a bravery invincible, causes the blood to tingle and the patriot heart to leap. We are making history replete with self-abnegation as we continue to bring to our country's altar an unstinted devotion and brilliant achievement.

It makes my cheeks tingle that I obtained my knowledge as I did. It came like a broad glare of garish light, in which I saw myself;" and she told him the circumstances. He burst into a hearty laugh, and remarked, "Pat did put the ethics of the thing strongly." "He made 'the thing, as you call it, odious then and forever. I've been writhing in self-contempt ever since.

He reflected in silence a moment, then in a tone that made her heart leap and her blood tingle, he said: "You say you're free?" "Free as air. Only I couldn't fly far." He hesitated on an instinct of prudence, then ventured. "Far as New York?" "What is the railroad fare?" "Oh, about twenty-five dollars with sleeper." "Yes I can fly that far." "Do you mean to say you've no ties of any kind?" "None.

Cass, high in excitement, a deep voice that made Helen tingle all over, a girl's laugh, broken but happy. There were footsteps and stamping of hoofs. Dale had brought Bo back! Helen knew it. She grew very weak, and had to force herself to stand erect. Her heart began to pound in her very ears. A sweet and perfect joy suddenly flooded her soul. She thanked God her prayers had been answered.

Such a sight calls a man from sleep with authority, and makes his blood tingle, and puts new heart in him, and banishes the troubles of the night. Other mornings Winter joins in the conspiracy of principalities and powers to daunt and crush the human soul.

Then she went barefoot out, hugging herself against the cold, being three months gone with child, and took the road over barren moorland to Gratz. She had not seen King Richard for nearly two years, at the thought of which thing and of him the hot blood leapt up, to thrust and tingle in her face.

The most ignorant among the men had felt their cheeks tingle for very shame as, in their dull way, they recognized the idiocy that had prompted that enormous blunder, that imbecile delay, that trap into which they had walked blindfolded; the light cavalry of the IVth army feinting in front of Bordas' brigade and halting and neutralizing, one by one, the several corps of the army of Chalons, solely to give the Crown Prince time to hasten up with the IIId army.

It was night when the smith came home, a little tipsy, deceived by his great thirst and the double effect of the beer in that warm weather. He was very cheery, without really knowing why; something like a soft buzzing fire ran through all his body and made him tingle with happiness. They had chaffed him that evening about the old maid next door and he now felt inclined just to tell her about it.