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When I looked, her face was white and troubled, and she half rose from her seat and then sank back in it gently, and the thane who sat next her spoke anxiously to her in a low voice, and the lady by his side rose up and came to her. Then Alsi turned, and he too spoke, asking if aught was amiss. "The princess faints with the heat of the hall," said the thane's wife. "She yet feels the long journey.

Whet the steel, the raven croaks! Light the torch, Zernebock is yelling! Whet the steel, sons of the Dragon! Kindle the torch, daughter of Hengist! The black cloud is low over the thane's castle The eagle screams he rides on its bosom. Scream not, grey rider of the sable cloud, Thy banquet is prepared! The maidens of Valhalla look forth, The race of Hengist will send them guests.

"Bide by the fire till he comes," said my guide, seeing that the man did not know me, and leaving me there, he went through a door beyond the thane's chair to seek him. So I stood where the smoke rose between me and that door, waiting and warming my hands quietly, and as unconcernedly to all seeing as I could.

A dozen of the brethren were to return with Father Cuthbert and Alfred to Aescendune at once, and to bear with them all the necessary powers for the accomplishment of the good thane's wishes in regard to the monastery of St. Wilfred, while Father Cuthbert was then and there admitted by Dunstan to the order of St.

When she discovered that he had no intention of marrying her, she attempted suicide. Her mother, on learning the truth, went to Thane's parents and pleaded for the righting of the wrong. Howard Thane had, by this time, lost all patience with his son. He refused to have anything to do with the matter.

Then came the moonlight and calm, and the sweetness of rain-soaked earth and flowers refreshed, and we went on our way wondering, and came to the thane's with the first daylight.

There was, however, no pause in the fury of the attacks of the Welsh, until, with a great shout, the main body of the Saxons came up, and pressed forward in line with the little body who had hitherto borne the brunt of the battle, while on their flank the thane's levies poured in volley after volley of darts and arrows. The fight ceased as suddenly as it began.

And then the lightning showed the horseman close to us. He reined up, and cried in a great voice: "Ho, strangers! are you wandering here?" "Ay; we are lost till the storm passes. Can you guide us to shelter before the rain comes?" I said. "Whence come you?" he asked. "We are Alfred's men from Taunton going to the thane's house at Cannington." "Ay, is that so? Then I will guide you.

"Queen," she said, "I have borne your reproaches to myself in silence, but I cannot bear that these brave servants of yours should be blamed. Look at the abbot's torn and dusty robes, look at the thane's care-worn face are they in the plight of men who are bribed?" But the queen made no answer, and her face was like stone as she looked on none of us, gazing straight before her.

I belong to the court, and so shall surely meet you if you do come to speak to him." Then I asked the thane's name. So he went ashore and joined the thanes, who had gone slowly along the road, and we lost sight of him. "Yonder goes a pleasant comrade enough," I said to Harek. "Ay," the scald answered; "but if that is not Alfred the king himself, I am much in error." "It is not likely.