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Then I went to rouse Wulfhere, but my hand would not be stretched out, and the other men slept heavily, so that I lay still and looked in the dead thane's face and grew calmer. For his face was set with a look of sorrow such as I had never seen there, and he gazed steadfastly at me and I at him, and the grief in his face did but deepen.

The lofty roof, the long choir beyond the transept, gave magnificence to the fabric, which was surrounded without by the cloisters of the priory, of which it was the central feature. In the south transept for it was a cruciform church was a chapel dedicated especially to St. Cuthbert, where the ashes of the deceased thane's forefathers reposed in peace beneath the pavement.

The reader may already have secretly thought that those little tendernesses on the part of ordinary parents hardly enter into consideration in the case of a thane's daughter. It may be said in answer to this that Shakespeare often, as in the presentation of ancient scenes, put without scruple the environment of his own time in place of the historical setting.

Now there came to us as we stood and talked, a housecarle in a green cloak, and asked us if we had seen a warrior, wounded maybe, riding a great white horse, which, he added, had been Edred the Thane's, who was killed. "Aye, that have I," said Wulfhere, "what of him?" "Osric the Sheriff seeks him. Tell me quickly where I may find him." "Is Osric back in the town?" asked Wulfhere in surprise.

He set his hand on his sword hilt and laughed. Naught more was needed. Then Kynan, who was fairly stamping, broke in, being nowise so patient as his brother: "Hence, knave and liar! If there were naught else, it were enough that you have called a freeborn thane's daughter a thrall to your evil mistress. The truce is at an end."

She started to her feet, for Thane's was no furtive tread that crashed through the thorny greasewood and planted itself, a yard at a bound, amongst the stones. The horror vanished and a flush of life, a light of joy, returned to her speaking face. He had never seen her so completely off her guard.

The price of the prince's head was fifteen thousand thrimsas; that of a bishop's or alderman's, eight thousand; a sheriff’s four thousand; a thane's or clergyman's, two thousand; a ceorle's, two hundred and sixty-six. These prices were fixed by the laws of the Angles. Sec. 12. Wilkins, p. 29. Sec. 40. See also, LL. Ethelb. These institutions are not peculiar to the ancient Germans.

Then she took herself gently from the thane's arm, and dried her eyes, and clasped her hands tightly before her, and said: "I cannot say how I thank you; but I must bide here." "This is a cold place," said the thane. "It is no home for you." "I think it will be so in the end," she said very sadly.

So he spoke cheerfully, trying to make all the honour come from her, as kindness to himself and his wife. But though the tears came into Uldra's eyes at the good thane's plain meaning, she was silent yet, save that she said: "I know not how to thank you for your goodwill to me." "Nay," he said; "but my wife will blame me if you come not.

Thane's fingers moved with scherzo speed as he fed twelve adjustments to the fire control. He let go with everything they had on the port side, and switched off the guns, in preparation for the shummer. It came almost simultaneously, and the pirate disappeared as they went into the hyper-space of the warp-line. There was no time to see if any damage had been done.