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She fixed upon him shrewd, wise eyes that had seen some curious things in their day, but she gave Susan a motherly smile. "This is my niece, Mrs. O'Connor," said Stephen, introducing Susan. "She's never made the trip before, and I want you to help me turn her over to her Daddy in Manila, in first-class shape." "I will that," agreed the stewardess, heartily.

The steward of course occupied a freer position than the other slaves: the treatise of Mago advised that he should be allowed to marry, to rear children, and to have funds of his own, and Cato advises that he should be married to the stewardess; he alone had some prospect, in the event of good behaviour, of obtaining liberty from his master. In other respects all formed a common household.

"With papa it is different. But it gets to be an awful nuisance always to be dragging him about with me." The stewardess came in. She spoke to Ingigerd in a loud, cheery way. "Better here than down below, isn't it, Miss?" She bolstered up her cushions, rearranged her coverings, and left again. "The silly thing has already fallen in love with me, too," said Ingigerd. "Why am I sitting here?"

The last time he landed in Liverpool he'd been out on a two years' voyage. He was paid off one morning, and by the next he hadn't a cent left, and his watch and compass were gone. He'd got with some women, and they'd taken everything. He worked his way to this country on a little passenger boat. Mary was a stewardess, and she tried to convert him on the way over.

Your excellency's stewardess had invited me to assist her in preparing yesterday's feast, and I only returned in haste as soon as it was rumored that the White Lady was abroad in the castle." "But you have surely seen and questioned the Prince's valet?" "He is the only man in the castle who can not be approached with good or evil words, your excellency, and who brooks not being questioned.

"In the bed where I was put till last night. This morning early " he hesitated. "Don't lie! Where were ye?" "In a passenger's room, under a bed. When the passengers came aboard I had to get out." "How did ye get here?" This met with silence. Quite suddenly the Chief recognised the connivance of the crew, perhaps, or of a kindly stewardess. "Who told you this was my cabin?"

"You see," explained Anna-Rose in a pleased whisper to Anna-Felicitas, "it's Hi she answers to." "Yes," agreed Anna-Felicitas. "It's waste of good circumlocutions to throw them away on her." "Show these young ladies the dining-room," said the man. "Yes, sir," said the stewardess, as polite as you please.

Eighteen years previous to the Stella making her last trip Mary Rogers' husband had been drowned at sea, and the young widow was left with a little girl two years old to support; and a few weeks later a boy was born. To bring her children up carefully and have them properly educated became Mrs. Rogers' chief object in life, and to enable her to do this she obtained her position as stewardess.

That's why I come to build up my health an' git strong. Lots of folks has wondered why I come, I guess, an' that was it, though I ain't told no one till now. I guess I did improve, too, for the stewardess told me with her own lips only this mornin' that she thought I was a healthy woman. But of course," she added, with lowly humility, "I can't do what I did when I was young." I was speechless.

Then the stewardess came in; she trod softly and leaned her hand on grandma's bunk. "We're just entering the Straits," she said. "Oh!" "It's a fine night, but we're rather empty. We may pitch a little."