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The purpose is, as far as may be, to share the sorrows of the Saviour and to follow him step by step on the way of his sufferings to the cross and sepulcher. Then comes the prologue, solemnly intoned, of which the most striking words are these: "Nicht ewig zürnet Er Ich will, so spricht der Herr, Den Tod des Sünders nicht." "He will not be angry forever.

He died at Breslau on the 9th of July 1677. In 1657 Silesius published under the title Heilige Seelenlust, oder geistliche Hirtenlieder der in ihren Jesum verliebten Psyche , a collection of 205 hymns, the most beautiful of which, such as, Liebe, die du mich zum Bilde deiner Gottheit hast gemacht and Mir nach, spricht Christus, unser Held, have been adopted in the German Protestant hymnal.

SPEAKS SPRICHT PARLE PARLA French, Französich, Frangais, Francese, German, Deutsch, Allemand, Tedesco, Italian and Italienisch u. Italien et Italiano ed English Englisch Anglais Inglese fluently sehr geläufig. courrament. correntemente. At present he has charge of this billiard-room, but he is ready to follow me to the ends of the earth for a period of not less than three months.

Now, from out the depths, still of F minor, rose a hesitating theme, which seemed to grope its way: in imagination, one heard it given out by the bass strings; then the violas reiterated it, and dyed it purple; voice and violins sang it together; the high little flutes carried it up and beyond, out of reach, to a half close. Weh spricht: vergeh!

"Sick cats!" "Damn your 'WENIG SONNE!" this was the refrain. "Put your head in a bag!" "Pity he drinks!" "Give us one of the rousers the rou ... sers!" Krafft himself laughed unbridledly. "DAS ICH SPRICHT!" he announced. "In C sharp major."

The law is proclaimed with: "Was entstanden ist, dass mus vergehen, Was vergangen, auferstehen!" And all the orchestra, the choirs, and the organ, join in the hymn of Eternal Life. O Mensch! Gib Acht! gib Acht! Was spricht die tiefe Mitternacht?" O Man! Have care! Have care! What says dark midnight? The fifth part is a gay and stirring chorus founded on a popular legend.

But he was thoroughly roused when Krafft, picking up a sheet of music and coming round to the front of the piano, began to sing DAS TRUNKENE LIED. By way of introduction, the low F in the bass of F minor sounded persistently, at syncopated intervals; Schilsky inclined his head, and Krafft sang, in his sweet, flute-like voice: Oh, Mensch! Gieb Acht! Was spricht die tiefe Mitternacht?

As soon as a thought has found words it no longer exists in us or is serious in its deepest sense. When it begins to exist for others it ceases to live in us; just as a child frees itself from its mother when it comes into existence. The poet has also said: "Ihr m�sst mich nicht durch Widerspruch verwirren! Sobald man spricht, beginnt man schon zu irren."

Thus, in the sketch-books of the Pastoral Symphony, we find this record of his joy in nature, showing how thoroughly his mind was imbued with his subject. "Almächtiger, im Walde ich bin selig, glücklig im Wald. Jeder Baum spricht durch dich!" "O Gott! Welche Herrlichkeit in einer solchen Waldgegend."

A rotten rope was found loosely knotted round the vertebrae of his neck. 'Wohlgeborne, gesunde Kinder bringen viel mit.... 'Wenn die Natur verabscheut, so spricht sie es laut aus: das Geschöpf, das falsch lebt, wird früh zerstört. 'When Nature abhors, she speaks it aloud: the creature that lives with a false life is soon destroyed.