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Thesportygentlemen in loud clothes have united in the bonds of friendship with the travelling agents and have chosen the smoking-room as their headquarters. No mellow sunset or serene moonlight will tempt these comrades from the subtleties of poker; the pool on the run is the event of their day. A portly prima donna is the centre of another circle.

"Slip in here until they get past," and Dunk pulled his chum by the arm as they came opposite a dark hallway. But it was too late. Some of the sporty students had seen the two, and made a rush for them. "Come on, Andy!" "Oh, you, Dunk! Grab him, fellows!" Immediately the two were surrounded by a gay and laughing throng. "Bring 'em along!" "Down to the rathskeller!" "We'll make a night of it!"

"He is like that young tough, isn't he? Why, as to that young tough, he is a winsome, sporty Master Darling." "I don't want my salary raised, he says, or I want to tender resignation, I'm sure something is wrong with his nerves." I was greatly inclined to open the window, jump out of the second story and make them see more stars than they cared to, but I restrained myself with some effort.

Pallzey believed that Golf was played by the kind of White Rabbits who March in Suffrage Parades, wearing Gloves. The dreaded Thing lay outside of his Orbit and beyond his Ken, the same as Tatting or Biology. His conception of a keen and sporty game was Pin Pool or Jacks Only with the Deuce running wild. One Saturday he was invited out to a Food Saturnalia at a Country Place.

The disgust of Senator Sporty Jones was expressed with such blasphemous force that the agent was moved to add, "You can get anything you want down in the next block." "All right," grunted the Senator. "Wait a minute, though; I want to telephone." "There ain't a telephone in town," said the agent. "The line goes up the other side of the river to Tillman.

But you take the average boy who's been loaded up with this sort of stuff, and dig into him, and his mind is simply a cemetery of useless dates from the tombstones of those tough and sporty old kings, with here and there the jaw-bone of an ass who made a living by killing every one in sight and unsettling business for honest men.

"He told you so himself!" exclaimed Myra, startled. "Yes. Placed me in a rather difficult position. I suppose it was really rather sporty of him. I don't know if I should tell you. He called on me and said he was afraid he'd have to ask me to release him from his promise to be my guest on the yachting tour. Naturally I asked him why, and he told me frankly that he had fallen in love with you."

That's only fair to her and to me, too, for I wouldn't miss it, even though it's the real crisis in every going away. But that night well.... Of course, you know, the room's full of my junk things I've had since I was a little chap, all the way up, to things I had in my Freshman year and thought were awfully sporty and then discarded and brought home to keep in remembrance of my foolish youth.

And he did it all in a sporty sort of way and there wasn't a word of whining or fussing at him because he was loaded that was awfully white of the chap. Rex did more than that for me and not a syllable has he peeped since. And, you know, the consequence of that masterly silence is that I've gone on the water-wagon yes, sir for a year. And I'm hanged if I'm not going to church every Sunday.

He had thrown his cap back on his head in a "sporty," off-handish way, and he tried hard to impersonate a reckless young adventurer taking things as they came, and audacious enough to pick up a handy meal anyhow or anywhere. He paid not the least apparent attention to the wagon or the trunk, although he cast more than one sidelong glance in that direction.