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Updated: August 28, 2024

"You gave me a heart throb when you smashed the sphere." "We need these runs, Barking!" called Sparkfair, as the next batter walked out. "It's a deuced poor game, don't you know," said Barking. "I'm really getting sore on it, by Jove! I wish they would take up cricket. Mr. Merriwell ought to introduce some good English game into this school." "Hello!" said Hodge; "here's a pickle from Piccadilly.

Sparkfair seemed to be in good trim, for he whipped over a couple of benders which fooled Barney, who missed them both. "Vait till der pat gets holdt uf me," muttered Dunnerwurst. "Der ball nefer coot hit dot Irishman." Barney struck out. "Don'd some more fun make uf me," advised Hans. There was a hush as Frank Merriwell picked up a bat and stepped into the box.

"Now something vill see you," observed Dunnerwurst, in a low tone. "Der ball vill hit him a mile." Sparkfair did his best to deceive Merry, but finally put one over, and Frank drove it far into the field. Hiram Bemis covered ground rapidly as he raced for the ball, but no one fancied he could catch it. Making a final desperate spurt, Hi leaped into the air and pulled the globule down.

"Play ball, fellows play ball!" cried Sparkfair. "The sacks are charged! The pillows are peopled! Only one out! Now's our time to settle this game! The new pitcher is a mark! Bump him, Bubbs!" Little Bob Bubbs was a clever hitter, and he connected with the ball all right this time.

I must stop it I will!" In spite of this determination, another error let in still another run, and Sim Scrogg reached first. At last Sparkfair found a victim, and Shackleton fanned. Still, to most of the boys the game seemed lost, for the second team had a lead of three runs. "It's our last chance, fellows," said Dale gravely. "No fooling now. No sacrificing. We've got to hit the ball."

Sparkfair sat down on the pitcher's plate and watched Hodge circling the bases. "Hereafter," he observed, with a doleful grin, "I'll put my fielders over in the next county when you come to bat." Bart's hit reminded Dale of Dick Merriwell's first appearance at Fardale.

Crowfoot appealed to Kilgore, but the umpire had not seen Scrogg's trick and refused to penalize the second team on that account. Sparkfair was given a hand as he walked out to the plate. Once more Dale thought of Dick Merriwell's feat on his first appearance at Fardale. The situation was nearly the same.

"You vill be a peach!" sneered Hans, as he passed Gallup. "I vos ashamed for you alretty soon." "I can't do any worse than you done if I tried a month!" retorted Ephraim. After warming up a bit, Gallup pitched to Hollis. Fred dropped a Texas Leaguer over the infield, and Sparkfair scored. Dunnerwurst whooped derisively.

It was the third out, and Merry's team had not scored. "I'm sorry for you, Mr. Merriwell," laughed Sparkfair, "but we can't afford to let you have this game now. It would be simply awful after getting seven runs in the first inning." "The game is young," reminded Frank. Having escorted the ladies to seats, Gregory Carker deliberately placed himself at the side of Juanita Garcia.

Better let me go in and show 'em haow to pitch." "Go avay pack and sit down," advised Hans derisively. "You vould dood a lot uf goot uf you vould pitch, vouldn't you!" "If I couldn't do better than yeou're doing naow, I'd never play another game of baseball!" retorted Gallup. "He's envious," said Sparkfair. "Don't listen to him. I know you'll strike me out. You can't help it."

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