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Updated: August 28, 2024

Higgins stepped out and swiped rather wildly at the first two balls, missing them both. "Make him get it over, my boy!" urged Bart. With Sam anxious to hit, Sparkfair did his best to "pull" him on wide ones, but Higgins let them pass, and three balls were called. "Now you have him where you want him," came from Hodge. "If he doesn't cut the pan, you will saunter."

"Featherstone, your head is as light as the front part of your name and as thick as the rear end of it," he declared. "You know I'm not given to making deals with umpires. All I ever ask for is a square show, and I'll have that or take to the warpath." "Well, what do I get, what do I get?" snarled Feather, showing his teeth. "You can't bully everybody, Dale Sparkfair!

"You're up against it now, Sparkfair," came from Lawrence Graves, as Bart stood forth to the plate. "I'm scared to death!" laughed Dale. "See me tremble! See me vibrate!" The infielders crept in for a bunt, while Sparkfair pitched a swift, high ball. Hodge attempted to drop the ball just inside the first-base line, but made a foul tip, and the sphere plunked into young Joe Crowfoot's mitt.

"What's this?" cried Dale Sparkfair, as he surveyed Merry's team. "We seem to have intruders here. We'll have to put them off the field, boys. We'll have to do them up." Hans Dunnerwurst paused, with his hands on his hips, and stared at Dale. Half a dozen persons shouted at the Dutchman, but he failed to heed their warning, and a ball thrown at him struck him on the head, bounding off.

Man, woman, and child were hurled into the ditch. Chester Arlington, a lad who, despite his father's wealth, had been dismissed from school, stopped his machine ten rods farther on. "Are you hurt, June?" he asked, addressing his sister, who numbered Dick Merriwell and Dale Sparkfair among her admirers. "No, I'm not hurt," answered the girl, who was sitting beside him.

Gallup dropped a Texas Leaguer over the infield, and Buck Badger walked out With a bat on his shoulder. "It peen up to you, Padger!" cried Dunnerwurst. "See vot you coot dood py der ball." At this juncture Sparkfair issued his first pass, and Badger walked, filling the bases. Berlin Carson tried to drive in some runs, but popped up an infield fly and was out. Then Hans Dunnerwurst started forth.

"We'll have no fighting here on this field." "He'll have to swallow his words, or I'll punch him for them!" "I'll play no further with that fellow umpiring!" declared Featherstone. "I am going to stop right here, and I think some of the rest feel the same. Come on, boys, let's quit." "The quitters will quit," came from Sparkfair; "but I don't believe there are many quitters here, Feather."

Once I found out how to manage, it was not hard to handle Sparkfair. He raised a lot of dust when he first landed at Farnham Hall. It didn't take him long to get arrested as a highwayman, and right on top of that I had to kill a fine horse in order to keep the horse from killing Sparkfair. He's as full of queer quirks and unexpected moves as an egg is full of meat.

Merriwell," said Sparkfair. "Are you going to pitch?" "I don't think I'll start the game," said Merry. "I vill pitch mineselluf," announced Hans. "I vos der createst paseball pitcher dot efer seen you." Sparkfair flipped a coin, and the choice of innings fell to Merry. "We'll take the field," said Frank. "Go behind the bat, Hodge. Dunnerwurst will pitch.

"Chust gif me the privilege of letting my arm limber me up, vill you?" "Go ahead," laughed Sparkfair. Hodge adjusted the body protector and pulled on the big catching mitt. "Keep open your eye for der curf uf der ball," warned Hans. "Uf I use too much speed for you, chust let me tell you so."

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