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As she sat bent forward, declaiming the most soul-shaking things in Shakespeare between nine and ten at night, we lay in our beds with our chins on the counterpanes, silent, scared, but intensely happy. We loved every word, and slept quite well when the play was finished.

He came towards her, and although she was swaying on her feet, desperately she tried to evade him, but with a quick movement he caught her in his arms. Terror, agonising, soul-shaking terror such as she had never imagined, took hold of her. The flaming light of desire burning in his eyes turned her sick and faint. Her body throbbed with the consciousness of a knowledge that appalled her.

Peggy heard Fanning shout somewhere out of the dust cloud. Whi-z-z-z-z-z-z! It was wild, exciting dangerous! "Roy," gasped Peggy, "if " But she got no further. There was a sudden soul-shaking shock. The front of the car seemed to plough into the ground. A rending, splitting noise filled the air.

I need only get into the pilot's seat" he did so, "and throw on the fuel pump " A tiny humming sounded. "And we move when I advance this throttle!" He pressed the firing-stud. There was a soul-shaking roar. There was a terrific pressure. The seven men from Don Loris' stronghold were pressed back in their seats with an overwhelming, irresistible pressure which held them absolutely helpless.

For two weeks the English had been expecting an attack, and the inaction was telling on the nerves of the officers. The men are only kept under fire for four days. At the end of that time, they are sent back a few miles in shifts to the nearest village where they find quarters, and rest from the nerve-racking, soul-shaking clamor of guns and buzz of bullets. The trenches were wonderful.

Of these last they are building scores a week at a certain factory I visited just outside Paris, and this factory is but one of many. I have seen them turn and hover and swoop, swift and graceful as great eagles. I have watched master pilots of both armies, English and French, perform soul-shaking gyrations high in air, feats quite impossible hitherto and never attempted until lately.

And spontaneously, as at all times of great endeavor among the Folk, a wailing song arose; it echoed through the gloom; it grew, taken up by the outlying boats; and in the eternal dark of the Abyss it rose, uncanny, soul-shaking, weird beyond all telling. Stern felt the shuddering chills chase each other up and down his spine, playing a nervous accompaniment to their chant.

It is a weird and soul-shaking experience to advance over a sunlit and apparently a lonely countryside, with no slightest movement upon its broad face, while the path which you take is marked behind you by sobbing, gasping, writhing men, who can only guess by the position of their wounds whence the shots came which struck them down.

Tacitly though thankfully enough, poor girl! she had recognized the fact and made me once more free of the house. For there was no disguising the situation. Newspaper boys yelled the news up and down Fleet Street from morning to night; soul-shaking posters grinned on gaping crowds; and the newspapers fairly wallowed in the "Shocking details."

Lying awake in her wide bed, Anne thought it over. She was still shaken by Christopher's vehemence. She had believed him her friend, and had found him her lover and oh, he had brought back youth to her. If he left her now, how could she stand it the days with no one but Jeanette Ware, and the soul-shaking knowledge of what was ahead? And Ridgeley would not care much.